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paleoCAMP 2024

Mammoth Lakes, CA, United States
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Date: 18 June - 1 July 2024
Location: The 2024 paleoCAMP will be held at the Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory, a University of California facility in Mammoth lakes, California, USA.


A cross-disciplinary approach to paleoclimatology

paleoCAMP is a 2-week summer school for graduate students in paleoclimatology, hosted at a rotating location in the American West. The school’s mission is to provide vital cross-disciplinary training for the next generation of climate scientists; provide an optimal environment for networking and mentoring of rising stars in paleoclimatology; and promote diversity and inclusive practices in order to encourage retention of underrepresented groups in the Geosciences.

Past climates are a guide to what might happen in the future as anthropogenic emissions rise. At paleoCAMP the focus is on the “big questions” that can be answered with the study of ancient climates, like climate sensitivity, ecosystem responses, and shifts in the hydrological cycle. Their pedagogy is deliberately “timescale agnostic”, recognizing that Earth system responses and feedbacks operate across a continuum of timescales.

The Earth Sciences are one of the least diverse fields in science and technology. The lack of diversity in our field contributes to a loss of talent and perspective that is acutely needed to address global warming, and points to failures of our institutions to nurture diverse talent. paleoCAMP seeks to improve representation by maintaining a diverse leadership, instructor pool, and student pool and centering JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) principles in discussions of scientific practice and community.

Paleoclimatology is an interdisciplinary science and a diverse skillset is often needed to solve outstanding problems. paleoCAMP features hands-on tutorials on field techniques, proxy interpretation, climate modeling, and statistical analyses so that students can build their skillset beyond the specialty of their individual university laboratories.


For more information on how to apply, please visit
Applications and recommendations are due by 12 January 2024 latest.

To participate in paleoCAMP, you must be actively enrolled in a degree-granting graduate program in an Earth science discipline (e.g., geology, geography, atmospheric sciences, oceanography, climate science). Both Masters and PhD students are welcome to apply, but the organizers recommend that you have at least one year of graduate study completed before participating in the camp. Due to budgetary restrictions, the organizers can only accommodate a small number of international participants at this time and priority will be given to US-based applicants. US citizenship/permanent residency is not required.

Further Information

For more information on the camp in general, please visit