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C-PEAT workshop: Short-Term Peatland Patterns, Processes, and Sensitivity to Rapid Climate Change

College Station, TX, United States
Workshop report
Contact person
Julie Loisel
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

PAGES' Carbon in Peat on EArth through Time working group (C-PEAT) will hold a workshop, titled "Short-Term Peatland Patterns, Processes, and Sensitivity to Rapid Climate Change" from 10-13 May 2018 in College Station TX, USA.


Texas A&M University

College Station, TX, USA


This is a meeting for 15-20 invited participants. There is a plan to record parts of the workshop and share the videos live (see below) with a larger audience of peatland scientists who might not be able to attend.


Peatlands have played a key role in the global carbon (C) cycle during the Holocene and previous interglacials. While it is well known that high-latitude and tropical peatlands have acted as net long-term atmospheric sinks for carbon dioxide (CO2) over time, key uncertainties remain regarding the short-term peatland patterns and processes that lead to C sequestration (or loss) at decadal to centennial timescales.

We know that a changing climate can strengthen or weaken the peatland C sink capacity and induce non-linear responses and feedbacks in peatland systems. However, we don’t know which factors are responsible for such changes. A better understanding of these short-term processes is essential to (1) assess climate sensitivity of peatlands’ C sequestration potential, and (2) integrate peatland dynamics in terrestrial, climate, and land-cover change models.

This specific workshop will have an emphasis on developing a forward model of peat accumulation to understand short-term peatland dynamics and system resilience; the model will be specifically designed to interpret paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental information from peat cores.

Main objectives

(1) Discuss the possible second phase of C-PEAT

Task 1- present the idea of simulating short-term (100 years) dynamics of peatlands to document the processes of peat formation and C accumulation to the group;

Task 2 - discuss the integration of peat-based data with peatland flux data from natural sites, field experiments, and laboratory incubations;

Task 3 - discuss ideas pertaining to developing a new process-based modeling framework;

Task 4 - create a calendar and a series of tasks to be accomplished by the end of the year.

(2) Develop a 'peatland sensitivity and resilience' framework to analyze peatland dynamics

Task 1 - analyze our peat-core databases (from C-PEAT Phase I) with the specific goal to develop indices to identify rapid changes in the peatland C-sink function during three rapid climatic changes that have occurred since the last deglaciation (Younger Dryas, and the 8.2ka and 4.2ka events);

Task 2 - identify key patterns and their relationship to potential controls;

Task 3 - develop a conceptual model describing peatland responses to climate change;

Task 4 - simulate peatland responses to different climate change scenarios (temperature, moisture, seasonality) using a process-based model (Holocene Peat Model);

Task 5 - assess peatland sensitivity and resilience to rapid climate change.

Planned outcomes

(1) the preparation of a peer-review article to be submitted to a Special Issue of Environmental Research Letters on carbon cycle dynamics during episodes of rapid climate change, and potentially other articles based on case studies;

(2) a better understanding of peatland sensitivity and resilience to rapidly changing climatic conditions,

(3) a new set of model simulations showing a range of peatland responses to changes in temperature and moisture, and

(4) an inclusive and participatory research agenda for the coming year that facilitates data integration and analysis, as well as collaboration between international scientists with expertise in empirical, experimental, and modeling methodologies and experience from around the world (tropical and high-latitude peatlands).


Thursday 10 May (database and proxies)

0815: Arrival at Equine Complex (workshop location)

0830-0900: Welcome, introductions – Julie Loisel & Angela Gallego-Sala

0900-0945: Database: repository and protocols – Julie Loisel & her students

0945-1030: Database: discussion (data products, publications, plan) – Simon van Bellen

1030-1040: Break

1040-1100: Vegetation proxies: macrofossils – Atte Korhola

1100-1120: Vegetation proxies: biochemical markers – Mike Philben

1120-1200: Vegetation proxies and Peat decay: discussion – Gabriel Magnan, moderator

1200-1300: Lunch and poster browsing

1300-1320: Climate proxies: testate amoebae – Simon van Bellen

1320-1340: Climate proxies: stable isotopes in mosses – Jon Nichols

1340-1400: Climate proxies: stable isotopes in vasculars – Dan Charman

1400-1415: Guest lecture: Ecophysiological models and Stable isotopes – Jason West

1415-1500: Group exercise led by Jason West

1500-1510: Break

1510-1530: Climate proxies: biological proxies – Jerome Blewett

1530-1600: Climate proxies: discussion – Jon Nichols, moderator

1600-1620: GHG proxies: C and N stock reconstruction – Dave Beilman

1620-1640: GHG proxies: C and N flux reconstruction – Zicheng Yu

1640-1700: GHG proxies: discussion – Juan Carlos Benavides, moderator

1700-1720: Disturbance: Fire and Permafrost (Boreal) – Phil Camill

1720-1740: Disturbance: Drought (Tropical) – Sakonvan Chawchai

1740-1800: Disturbance: discussion – Phil Camill, moderator

1800: Departure from Equine Complex

1900-2200: Dinner

Friday 11 May (models and working groups)

0815: Arrival at Equine Complex (workshop location)

0830-0900: Models: LPX – Jurek Muller

0900-0930: Models: DigiBog – Andy Baird et al.

0930-1000: Models: HPM – Claire Treat

1000-1045: Models: discussion on proxy integration – Angela Gallego-Sala, moderator

1045-1100: Break

1100-1115: Guest lecture: Peatland modeling – Thomas Kleinen

1115-1200: Group exercise led by Thomas Kleinen

1200-1215: Brief overview of the 4 working groups, lay out deliverables & expectations

1215-1315: Lunch and poster browsing

1315-1500: Working Groups

1500-1515: Break

1515-1700: Working Groups

1700-1715: Break

1715-1800: Working Groups: progress report

1800: Departure from Equine Complex

1900-2200: Dinner


This meeting on short-term peatland patterns and processes and its responses to rapid climate change will also be used to plan a proposed second phase of the working group.

The meeting will allow us to (1) utilize the data previously synthesized, (2) write at least one new community paper, and (3) plan out our research agenda and activities pertaining to 'short-term peatland dynamics' for the next three years.

Join the live webinar broadcast

Participants are welcome to join the webinar sessions. If you would like to join the live broadcast, please email the workshop organizer Julie Loisel at the Department of Geography, Texas A&M University, USA:

List of participants

Dave Beilman, University of Hawaii, USA

Juan C. Benavides, Pontificia University, Bolivia

Jerome Blewett, University of Bristol, UK

Phil Camill, Bowdoin College, USA

Dan Charman, University of Exeter, UK

Sankovan (Moo) Chawchai, Chualongkorn University, Thailand

Angela Gallego-Sala, University of Exeter, UK

Alexandra Hedgpeth, University of California in Los Angeles, USA

Thomas Kleinen, Max Planck Institute, Germany

Atte Korhola, University of Helsinki, Finland

David Large, University of Nottingham, UK

Julie Loisel, Texas A&M University, USA

Gabriel Magnan, University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada

Clau Mansilla, University of Magallanes, Chile

Jurek Müller, University of Bern, Switzerland

Jon Nichols, Columbia University (LDEO), USA

Simon van Bellen, University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada

Jason West ,Texas A&M University, USA

Zicheng Yu, Lehigh University, USA

Further information

Enquiries can be sent to Julie Loisel: (julieloisel[at]tamu[dot]edu)

Post-meeting material

If you would like to join future C-PEAT activities, subscribe to the mailing list to be informed of their plans.

cpeat leaders may 18 web

C-PEAT leaders Angela Gallego-Sala (left) and Julie Loisel prepare for the meeting.

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A true Texan welcome.

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Workshop discussions.

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Workshop attendees.