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DiverseK webinar: Bringing together paleo-research and stakeholder communities: challenges and opportunities for paleofire study in China

Online meeting
Contact person
Dr. Qiaoyu Cui
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

The PAGES DiverseK working group will hold the webinar "Bringing together paleo-research and stakeholder communities: challenges and opportunities for paleofire study in China" online on 26 April 2021.


The webinar will run from 15:00 to 18:00 LST (GMT+8:00, Beijing local time). Check your local time here.


This webinar will focus solely on paleofire studies.

Organizers are trying to bring together paleofire researchers and stakeholders from national and local stakeholders.

The goal is to foster collaboration among palaeofire-researchers and stakeholders in a key region for future global changes, as part of the DiverseK objective #2.


The aims of the webinar are to:

- bring together paleofire people who have never met before;

- discuss/summarize the major concerns/situations of paleofire study in China, and its future;

- talk about data sharing and future collaborations under the scheme of DiverseK.

Each invited talk in the webinar will be about 15 mins. Afterwards there will be time for discussions.


> Access the program in Chinese (pdf)

1. Introduction

2. Talks (15 mins each)

a. The DiverseK network: potential and challenges of using paleo-data to inform ecosystem management in China

Daniele Colombaroli, Royal Holloway University of London

b. A brief review on Paleofire study in China and its potential applications

Qiaoyu Cui, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS

c. A Review on forest fire prevention in China and further research needs

Yuexin Jiang Forest Fire Control Office, State Forestry Administration

d. Wildfires are not very wild in China: multiple scale patterns and the effects of fuel, climatic and social drivers

Zehao Shen, Peking University

e. ENSO modulates wildfire activity in China

Keyan Fang, Fujian Normal University

f. Were fires used as the slash-and-burn practice for early Neolithic rice farming in coastal wetlands in Eastern China?

Junwu Shu, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, CAS

g. Current forest fire management measures and future scientific support needs of Yunlong Tianchi State-level nature reserve

Huiming Xu, Longchi Mountain Forest National Reserve

h. Recent advances of paleofire research and challenge from forest fire management under global change

Ming Ji, Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology, CAS

3. Discussions on future collaborations (30mins)

> Access the program in Chinese (pdf)

How to join

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 962 8921 1186


Qiaoyu Cui, Ji Ming and Wu Jing.

Further information

Contact the webinar organizer Qiaoyu Cui: show mail address

If you are interested to take the lead and promote a similar initiative in your research area, please contact the DiverseK Steering Committee.