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DEEPICE objectives

The overall objective of DEEPICE is to equip a new generation of scientists with a solid background in ice-core-related climate science with a particular focus on Antarctica, a high level of technical and communication expertise, and a large collaborative network across the academic and non-academic world.


The specific main scientific objectives of DEEPICE will be to:

- Develop novel techniques required for the analyses of precious samples of the 1.5 Ma BEOI deep ice core to obtain the highest possible resolution records of climate and environment ever possible;

- Document surface climate parameters in the remote East Antarctic plateau, where weather data are very rare and instrumentation deployment is difficult;

- Quantify potential effects that may affect the quality of climate records in the deepest ice;

- Document past ice-sheet dynamics and flow in East Antarctica in relationship to climate change;

- Study and document the past climate dynamics in Antarctica on short and long timescales with the ultimate aim to improve predictions on the future climate and the state of the Antarctic ice sheet;

- Communicate state-of-the-art research on climate change with a focus on the role of Antarctica in the climate system.

The training program of DEEPICE is a balanced mix between:

- specialized research and technical core skills involving strong links with non-academic partners,

- additional methodological skills provided by the networking events and training schools, as well as

- soft skills for ESR future career academic and non-academic fields.

In individual projects, each Early Stage Researcher (ESR) will acquire basic scientific skills (e.g. formulating research questions, developing research projects) and knowledge of climate change in polar regions.

The complementarity of ESR projects, collaborative host institutions, secondment and training schools will provide the following research skills to the new generation of scientists:

- Development of novel, state-of-the-art specialized instrumentation;
- Climate and ice sheet modeling;
- Statistics applied to signal processing;
- Mediation, education;
- Interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral research.

Further information

Go to the official website:

Find out more about the scientists involved in the group on the People page.