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IPICS Documents

Below are a range of documents (in Acrobat .pdf format) describing the role of IPICS, along with the outputs of various meetings and the plans for its priority science projects.

Mission Statement and Constitution

IPICS Mission Statement 1 page This document describes the purpose of IPICS, as agreed on in March 2006.
IPICS Constitution 1 page This is the constitution, as agreed on by the IPICS SC in July 2008.


Documents from Virginia Workshop (13-16 March 2004)

IPICS Workshop Report 44 pages  This is the final workshop report from the NSF-funded IPICS Workshop. Information in the report was presented and discussed at the workshop and the document was written primarily by the IPICS Steering Committee.
Addendum to Pre-Meeting Report 12 pages This is the Addendum to the document above.
Note: Download this only if you downloaded the Pre-Meeting Report prior to April 2005.
Complete Pre-Meeting Report 89 pages The international ice core community provided pre-workshop information about current and proposed projects along with drilling capabilities. Note: If you downloaded this report prior to April, 2005 you only need to download the Addendum, not the whole report.


White Papers

Current White Papers
IPICS Oldest Ice Core 5 pages This is the White Paper discussing the oldest ice core: A 1.5 million year record of climate and greenhouse gases from Antarctica. It is the most recent version, updated in 2020.
Terminations and seesaws 4 pages This is the White Paper discussing IPICS' Terminations and seesaws: an ice core contribution to understanding orbital and millennial scale climate change.
IPICS 2k Array 4 pages This is the White Paper discussing the IPICS 2k Array: A network of ice core climate and climate forcing records for the last two millennia.
IPICS Last Interglacial 4 pages This is the White Paper discussing the history and dynamics of the last interglacial period from ice cores.
Ice Core Drilling Technical Challenges  4 pages This is the White Paper addressing the fifth, and critical, element of IPICS, the development of advanced ice core drilling technology.


White Papers for Completed IPICS Projects

IPICS 40k Array 4 pages This is the White Paper discussing the IPICS 40,000 year network: A bipolar record of climate forcing and response.
IPICS Northwest Greenland Eemian (2006-2013)  4 pages This is the White Paper discussing the last interglacial and beyond: A northwest Greenland deep ice core drilling project.


Science Plans

IPICS 40k Array 13 pages This is the Science Plan for "IPICS 40k: Bipolar sequence of climate forcing and response during the last 40 000 years", approved by the Steering Committee. (1 September 2008)
IPICS 2k Array 13 pages This is the Science Plan for "The IPICS 2000 Year Array: ice core contributions to quantitative assessment of recent climate forcing and climate variability", approved by the Steering Committee. (16 March 2009)
IPICS Oldest Ice Core 30 pages This is the Science Plan for "The oldest ice core: A 1.5 million year record of climate and greenhouse gases from Antarctica", approved by the Steering Committee. (1 June 2008)


National summaries of activities and plans

2006 update 27 pages This document contains short updates on national activities and plans, as of early 2006. It updates the 2004 pre-meeting document.
2008 update 33 pages This document contains short updates on national activities and plans, as of April 2008, updating the 2004 and 2006 reports.


International Polar Year

IPICS-IPY 12 pages This is the IPICS International Polar Year (IPY) Expression of Intent Submission.


Meeting and workshop reports

2009 IPICS Workshop 12 pages 2009 IPICS Workshop on Science and Technology for the Next Generation of International Ice Coring, Corvallis, OR July 6-7, 2009
2016 IPICS Conference 1 page Report from the 2nd International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences Open Science Conference, Hobart, Australia, March 2016

Communications regarding oldest ice projects

Suggested text to include in press releases and related communications about oldest ice projects:

"This work is a (insert your country, group, or other entity here) contribution to the Oldest Ice project of IPICS (International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences). The IPICS project aims to obtain records, replicated at more than one site, of the last 1.5 million years. Nations are pooling information to determine the best sites, and sharing best practice to ensure that collaborative projects in different regions provide the most effective input to the overall international effort.”