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1st PMIP Phase 4 meeting

Stockholm, Sweden
Workshop report
Contact person
Qiong Zhang
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

The first meeting of Phase 4 of the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP) will take place in Stockholm, Sweden, from 25-29 September 2017.


The meeting will be held at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, located next to Stockholm University.

It is open for the paleoclimate community, for both paleo-proxy data and paleoclimate modeling scientists contributing to CMIP6 and PMIP working groups. Registration is required. Approximately 150 participants are expected.

Meeting goals

This meeting will be devoted to the first analyses of the new PMIP4-CMIP6 and PMIP4 simulation, focusing on model results, new data syntheses, and how to best combine model and data to understand climate feedbacks, climate variability or to assess model performances. It will review the advances of the different PMIP4 working groups on the documentation and analyses of first model results and the advances in new data syntheses, so as to promote new analyses and collaborations between model and data groups.


The Stockholm PMIP conference will gather the whole community together for the first time since the launch of the fourth phase of the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project. It will provide the opportunity to discuss progress since the last PMIP meeting in Namur in 2014; look at initial results of the new PMIP4/CMIP6 simulations; review the status of new data syntheses needed for model-data comparison and model benchmarking; and share expertise on best and innovative practices to combine insights from models and data to both better understand climate and assess model performance.

The conference will be centred on the activities of the thirteen working groups. The conference will consist of poster sessions for researchers to highlight recent group activities and their individual interests; several invited and/or selected talks to demonstrate the working groups’ activities; and keynote speakers to highlight the broader picture around PMIP. The latter portion of the conference will be devoted to organising the future activities and direction of the working groups.

All the PMIP time scales will be discussed, with a priority on mid-Pliocene, last interglacial, last glacial maximum, mid-Holocene and last millennium that are part of CMIP6 and ongoing work on deglaciation. The workshop is a way to bring together scientists with different perspectives and to promote ongoing work on data syntheses and model data comparison performed within different the working groups. An important aspect will concern the different sources of uncertainty.


Access the full program here.

Invited speakers

The workshop will be organised around the 11 PMIP working groups, and from synthesis prepared within these working groups.

Emilie Capron, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Martin Claussen, Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology, Germany

Kim Cobb, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Kevin Anchukaitis, The University of Arizona, USA

Heiko Goezler, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Zhengyu Liu, Ohio State University, USA

Valerie Masson-Delmotte, LSCE/IPSL, France

Eelco Rohling, Australian National University, Australia

Yusuke Suganuma, National Institute of Polar Research, Japan


PMIP is an international project initiated in 1991. It is endorsed by the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), and the Past Global Changes Project (PAGES). Its objective is to provide a coherent framework to assess climate models and improve our knowledge of climate dynamics on the basis of palaeoclimate evidence.

The Stockholm meeting is the 13th event of a series initiated in 1995 in Collonges-la-Rouge, France. The meetings in San Damiano, Montreal, Cambridge, Reno, Giens, Estes Park, Kyoto, Crewe and Namur have marked the successive developments of the PMIP project: towards more comprehensive Earth System models, a broader range of past periods, high-standard documented datasets, state-of-the-art approaches of model benchmarking, model-data synthesis and assimilation. PMIP has become an important contributor to our understanding of Earth's climate dynamics and sensitivity and PMIP3 results  provided a significant contribution to chapter 5  (palaeoclimate) and 9 (model evaluation) of the IPCC AR5. PMIP is entering its 4th phase, and now we are preparing for next CMIP6 and IPCC 6th assessment report. New analyses need to be provided on climate sensitivity, changes in the hydrological cycle, physical and biogeochemical feedbacks, climate variability and the credibility of climate models used for future climate projections.

Financial support

The conference will provide opportunities for early-career scientists (ECS) to develop their PMIP network. ECS are strongly encouraged to attend the conference and contribute innovative ideas or take responsibilities in the different PMIP working groups.

Financial support for ECS can be applied at Abstract Submission.


Abstract deadline extended! Now 7 June 2017.

To submit an abstract, go to:


Conference registration must be made by 31 July 2017.

Further information

Access the conference website: or the PMIP4 website:

Enquiries can be sent to local organizer Qiong Zhang: (qiong[dot]zhang[at]natgeo[dot]su[dot]se)