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Research Assistant, Palaeoclimatology - Vigo, Spain

Research Assistant, Palaeoclimatology - Vigo, Spain



The Research Assistant position is offered as part of the NOVAMOON project and entails several key responsibilities, such as identifying and selecting planktic foraminifera for stable and clumped isotope and trace element analyses, preparing samples for analysis at the new Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry facility at CACTI-UVigo, participating in visits to international laboratories for advanced courses and further analysis, as well as managing and archiving research data.

Application Deadline: August 27th, 2024

The Universidade de Vigo is a public institution located in Galicia, in the northwest of Spain. It operates across three campuses: the main one in Vigo, and two others in Pontevedra (30 km from Vigo) and Ourense (95 km from Vigo). The Universidade de Vigo is funded by the Spanish central government, as well as through revenue generated from research, development, and innovation (R+D+i) activities, including private contracts, patents, project funding, and consultancy work.

The Universidade de Vigo places a strong emphasis on research and development (R&D), which is supported by numerous funded projects and specialized research centers. This commitment has significantly increased the university's scientific output and its ability to attract external funding. Currently, the university serves approximately 20,000 students and hosts around 160 research groups, contributing to a substantial body of work, including PhD theses, publications, conference presentations, and registered patents across various disciplines.

The NOVAMOON project is based in the Palaeoclimatology Lab, part of the GEOMA Group at the Centro de Investigación Mariña, Universidade de Vigo. As part of this project, the university is offering a Research Assistant position.

This position is funded for a minimum period of 18 months.

The Palaeoclimatology Lab at the Universidade de Vigo upholds the values of diversity, equality (and equity), and inclusion. The recruitment process for this Research Assistant position will align with the principles outlined in the university’s III Gender Equality Plan. The Centro de Investigación Mariña, to which the Palaeoclimatology Lab belongs, is firmly committed to equality and sustainability through its Equality, Diversity, and Sustainability Committee (EDSC). The EDSC ensures the integration of gender and diversity considerations in the centre’s policies and activities.
The NOVAMOON project aims at at reconstructing the changes in the Indian Summer Monsoon winds across the Middle Pleistocene Transition (MPT), which featured a major change in the frequency, duration, and intensity of the ice age cycles superimposed upon a stepwise cooling trend of global climate. The changes in global temperature, ice volume, and greenhouse gases during the MPT provide an ideal test bed to evaluate the sensitivity of ISM wind intensity to climate forcing under different boundary conditions. To achieve the objectives of NOVAMOON, both established novel analytical techniques will be employed and developed, respectively.
The successful candidate will: (1) identify and pick planktic foraminifera at the species-specific (and morphotype) level for stable and clumped isotope and trace element analyses; (2) prepare samples for analyses at the new Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry facility at CACTI-UVigo; (3) visit international laboratories in Europe and overseas for advanced courses and further analyses; and (4) manage and archive data collected within the framework of the NOVAMOON project.
Qualifications include:

- Previous experience as laboratory technician or University degree;
- Proven experience in similar positions, preferably in universities and/or research institutes.
- Proficiency in Spanish, English, or Italian;
- Taxonomic knowledge of foraminifera or laboratory techniques. Experience with Isotope
Please read how to apply for this post under the following link:

Please download the document in "Documentos da fase da convocatoria”, look for Job Reference: 1724-136444.
Information is available in Galician, Spanish, and English (EN- see last page of the document).
Application deadline
Further information
Please visit the Universidade de Vigo's website for further details (see instructions under Applications):

For further information regarding the position, the project, and the Palaeoclimatology Lab of the Universidade de Vigo please contact Gianluca Marino (gianluca.marino(at)
Contact email