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PAGES Open Science Meeting: 21-24 May in Shanghai, China
PAGES Young Scientists Meeting: 19-20 May in Shanghai, China

The much anticipated 7th OSM will be held at the Shanghai Fuyue Hotel. This event is an international and multi-disciplinary platform/ meeting designed to encourage interaction between scientists of all career stages, disciplines and regions. The hope is that many contacts are made, and many collaborations and joint activities begun - that will endure long after the meetings themselves.

Held every four years, both the OSM and Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) provide an invaluable opportunity to bring the past global change community together from around the world to share, discuss, learn, and plan for the future.

Abstract submissions and registration to attend the 7th OSM are now open and will close on 1 December 2024.

Sessions include:

01. Hydroclimate of the Common Era (The 2k Network)
02. Scales and Scaling in the Climate System: climate, macroclimate, megaclimate
03. Human Traces of Earth System Changes
04. Transdisciplinary approach to address environmental issues
05. Understanding drivers of paleo sea-level changes through proxies and modeling
06. Reconstructing Marine Responses: Oxygen and pH Dynamics Through Time
07. The end of the ‘41-kyr world’ and the transition to the ‘100-kyr world’
08. Leveraging paleoecology for sustainable ecosystem restoration in the Anthropocene
09. Pleistocene to Common Era climate reconstructions and insights from speleothem and allied archives
10. Double Volcanic Eruptions - Identification, Attribution and Impacts
11. New horizons for paleosciences outreach
12. Arctic to sub-Arctic climate evolution during the Quaternary and their impact on modulating paleoclimate and paleoceanographic change worldwide
13. Assessing plants diversity in time and space may help conservation approaches
14. Atmospheric paleo-particles and global environmental impacts
15. Climate and environmental changes in permafrost regions: paleoecological perspectives
16. Emerging physical and geochemical proxies in sedimentary paleoclimate studies
17. Eolian Processes and Landscape Dynamics in Drylands
18. Exploring Rapid Cultural Change: Tipping Points, Cascading Impacts and Human Societal Evolution.
19. Historical Climate Reconstruction and Societal Impacts from Written Records
20. Paleoclimate for Sustainable Water Strategies
21. Millennial-scale changes in tropical precipitation: lessons from the past for a changing future
22. Understanding Thresholds, Tipping Points, and Abrupt Climate Change Across Different Spatial-Temporal Scales
23. Advancing climate prediction with paleoclimate data and models
24. Pacific, Indian and Atlantic: tropical climate mean-state and variability across time scales
25. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Tephra and Volcanic Hazards in the Context of Climate Change
26. Contribution of past fire time-series and models to fire science across the Earth system
27. Reconstructing intermediate circulation and water mass properties through time
28. Southeast Asian monsoon evolution during the Quaternary:records, synthesis and model results
29. The Missing Piece: Holocene Records from Remote Areas
30. Holocene coastal marine environments in the Arctic: proxy records and development
31. Open Session on past global changes

> Access the sessions 
> Go to the OSM & YSM 2025 website 

> See plenary talks and speaker details 
> Find out more about past YSM and OSM events 


Please don't hesitate to contact the PAGES IPO via email:, or the OSM Local Organizing Committee (LOC):