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PAGES Magazine

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PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

PAGES Magazine (formerly PAGES news) is PAGES' main publication, a free paleoscience magazine published two to three times a year.

The document is available in the following format:

> PDF (6.5 MB)
> Access an interactive PDF via the online publication platform Issuu

Content overview

Workshops: Dating techniques and comparability of chronologies, Paleoclimates of arctic lakes and estuaries, Reconstruction of climatic records in monsoon asia during historical times

Radiocarbon and absolute dating of the Younger Dryas climatic event

PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

PAGES Magazine (formerly PAGES news) is PAGES' main publication, a free paleoscience magazine published two to three times a year.

The document is available in the following format:

> PDF (6.2 MB)
> Access an interactive PDF via the online publication platform Issuu

Content overview

Worshops: Biome 6000: Towards a global palaeovegetation, IMAGES research and implementation plan

On the need to rescue teak wood from southeast Asia for dendroclimatic study

PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

PAGES Magazine (formerly PAGES news) is PAGES' main publication, a free paleoscience magazine published two to three times a year.

The document is available in the following format:

> PDF (6.7 MB)
> Access an interactive PDF via the online publication platform Issuu

Content overview

Workshops: PAGES workshop on land use and climate impacts on fluvial systems during the agricultural period, PEP III transect through Europe and Africa, PEP II transect through Asia and Australia, Paleomonsoons in Africa and surrounding oceans and START-Africa workshop

The Younger Dryas as viewed through the Summit Greenland ice cores

PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

PAGES Magazine (formerly PAGES news) is PAGES' main publication, a free paleoscience magazine published two to three times a year.

The document is available in the following format:

> PDF (4.6 MB)
> Access an interactive PDF via the online publication platform Issuu

Content overview

Workshops: PEP I workshop, PAGES ice core data meeting, explosive volcanism and climate, scientific continental drilling

PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

PAGES Magazine (formerly PAGES news) is PAGES' main publication, a free paleoscience magazine published two to three times a year.

The document is available in the following format:

> PDF (4.7 MB)
> Access an interactive PDF via the online publication platform Issuu

Content overview

Workshops: Global Younger Dryas, Monsoon Asia, Ice drilling workshop

PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

PAGES Magazine (formerly PAGES news) is PAGES' main publication, a free paleoscience magazine published two to three times a year.

The document is available in the following format:

> PDF (4.6 MB)
> Access an interactive PDF via the online publication platform Issuu

Content overview

Workshops: Coral paleoclimate reconstruction, PAGES/IGBP in Africa, PALE update