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PAGES is pleased to have recently signed a scientific agreement with NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information - Center for Weather and Climate, World Data Service for Paleoclimatology (WDS-Paleo).

The interrelated nature of PAGES and WDS-Paleo dates back to our beginnings in 1993, and earlier this month a formal agreement was reached.

PAGES' Executive Director Dr. Marie-France Loutre is excited by the formalization of this long-standing relationship.

"Most importantly it re-establishes a direct link and opens the doors to strengthen and reinforce connections and collaborations between PAGES and NOAA WDS-Paleo regarding data access, availability, and sharing," Dr Loutre said.

"Identification of the essential metadata to be collected during the data archiving procedure is a high priority. I am convinced that both PAGES and WDS-Paleo will benefit from this new agreement."