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The SSC is the body responsible for overseeing PAGES activities. Two new members are sought to fill the places of outgoing members Hubertus Fischer and Claudio Latorre, who finish at the end of 2016 (see the SSC Member History List). Scientists who serve on the SSC normally do so for a period of three years, with the potential of renewing for an additional three-year term.

PAGES welcomes any highly motivated scientists to step forward for nomination. In seeking applicants, we not only look for scientific excellence and a high level of commitment to PAGES goals, but also aim to achieve a balance of expertise, nationalities, gender, and career stages across the SSC.

PAGES is a core project of Future Earth and has a scientific partnership with the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). Applicants should be familiar with the development of these organizations and be able to contribute positively to strengthening PAGES' position within this environment.

Details on how to apply are available at

The deadline for applications is 1 May 2016.