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Workshop/meeting support

The next deadline for applications for financial support for workshops and meetings is 11 March 2025.

Please be aware only a limited amount of money will be available for open and educational workshops/meetings (when applicable).

PAGES' financial support is available thanks to funding from the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).


Please read the guidelines below before submitting an application.

1. Organizers must be able to demonstrate how the themes and objectives of their workshop/meeting relate to PAGES' Science Structure and fit within PAGES' interests.

2. To obtain support, workshops/meetings must be open and international, and should encourage the participation of early-career scientists (until ca. five years after PhD) and those from low- and middle-income countries.

3. Applications should be received at least six months before the planned event date, to allow for wide promotion to the paleo community. Exceptions will be considered by the Executive Committee.

4. Organizers must now contact a relevant member of PAGES SSC at least two weeks before this proposal is submitted to advise them of the workshop/meeting plans. Applications received without SSC member notification will not be looked upon favorably.

5. In accordance with Future Earth's approach, PAGES encourages engagement with stakeholders. You will be asked to consider and provide some information as to how you could involve stakeholders.

6. PAGES does not support applications by individuals for travel and meeting attendance. Workshop materials and field trips are also not supported. PAGES does not support the cost for publications, including Open Access, such as a special journal issues. PAGES tends not to support sessions at large conferences unless the session is used to initiate or aid in the development of a PAGES product (E.g. at the PAGES Open Science Meeting (OSM)). Additionally, PAGES generally does not support recurring meetings.

7. For hosts, PAGES only supports direct meeting costs such as participants' travel and accommodation expenses. PAGES does not allow the use of funds for overheads incurred by the host institution.

8. Please note, it is the responsibility of organizers to generate most of the funding necessary for the meeting.

9. A financial dossier will be provided to workshop organizers before the event. Submission of this detailed report, describing how the funding was used, is required afterwards.

10. After the event, PAGES also requires a workshop/meeting report for Past Global Changes Magazine, which is due within one month of the workshop's conclusion.

11. All other products issuing from the sponsored workshop/meeting must acknowledge PAGES and a copy of all products should be emailed to the PAGES IPO.

12. All products which use PMIP results must acknowledge PMIP.

13. Successful applicants should liaise with our Communications Officer well before the meeting to ensure the workshop/meeting and any deadlines are publicized as widely as possible. Afterwards, there is the possibility of creating an online archive in the PAGES' calendar entry. Organizers are welcome to send materials such as photos, abstracts, flyers, and presentations.

14. Organizers should contact the PAGES IPO in advance if they are unsure whether their proposal is eligible for PAGES' financial support.

15. When deciding on the meeting location, please keep in mind travel restrictions and ensure alternative ways of participation for those unable to attend, i.e. hybrid format. You will need to factor this into your overall budget.

Applying for PAGES workshop/meeting support

There are four categories of financial support available. Please complete and submit the form that best fits your type of workshop/meeting:

1. PAGES Working Group
To submit a proposal for a workshop/meeting organized by an officially approved PAGES' working group.

2. Open call
For all other general workshop/meeting proposals within the scope of PAGES' science

3. Educational
To submit a proposal for a workshop/meeting of an educational nature.

4. Fast-track
For workshops/meetings that require a funding decision to be made before the next funding call deadline. This is to be requested under exceptional circumstances only and must be accompanied by valid justification.

Applying for PAGES workshop/meeting endorsement

PAGES endorses relevant paleoscience conferences, meetings and workshops when requested. This endorsement does not involve a financial transaction.

Requests for endorsement will be assessed by PAGES' SSC in January, April, July, and October of each year.

Apply here.


Thinking about how you can make your workshop more environmentally friendly? Check out our tips here!

Online workshops/meetings

Thinking about organizing an online meeting or workshop? Check out some tips published by Copernicus and others endorsed by AGU.

Travel claim

If you have been asked to complete a travel claim form, download it here. You must download it first to your computer and ensure you have Adobe Reader to fill it in (download Adobe for free here). Alternatively print out the pdf, complete it in writing, scan it, and return it as a pdf.