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Organizational structure

Scientific Steering Committee

PAGES activities are overseen by an international Scientific Steering Committee (SSC). The members, who each serve for a maximum of two consecutive three-year terms, are chosen so as to obtain a balance of scientific expertise and national representation. The SSC meets once a year to guide and oversee the program as a whole.

> Current SSC
> SSC membership history
> Previous meeting minutes
> Apply to become an SSC member

Executive Committee

Five members of the SSC plus the PAGES Executive Director also serve on an Executive Committee (EXCOM), which is in more regular contact with the International Project Office. The EXCOM is co-chaired by a Chinese and Swiss SSC member by virtue of the fact that these countries provide the bulk of PAGES' core funding.

> Current EXCOM members
> Previous meeting minutes

International Project Office

Under the direction of the SSC, the staff at the small International Project Office (IPO) in Bern, Switzerland, carry out the day-to-day running of the PAGES project. Their activities include maintaining the PAGES website and databases, organizing meetings and workshops, editing and writing PAGES publications, and serving as liaison to other global change programs. The IPO regularly hosts paleoscientists from around the world as Guest Scientists for both short- and long-term sabbatical visits.

> IPO staff list