Apply for support
PAGES offers several opportunities to receive financial support or recognition.
Working groups
Apply for a new PAGES working group
> Propose a new PAGES working group
Apply for endorsement/affiliation of your external working group
> Apply for PAGES endorsement/affiliation of your group
Apply for PAGES financial support to hold a meeting or workshop
This is for PAGES working groups, Open Call, Educational and Fast Track applications
> Apply for support to organize a workshop/meeting relevant to PAGES' science
Apply for PAGES' endorsement of your event
> Apply for PAGES' endorsement of your meeting or workshop
Have your event listed in the PAGES calendar
> Email your workshop/meeting details to go in the PAGES calendar
PAGES International Mobility Research Fellowship Programs
PAGES LAC Mobility Fellowship
PAGES launched the International Mobility Research Fellowship Program for Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) early-career scientists on past global changes in 2021. > All details
PAGES African Mobility Fellowship
PAGES launched the Inter-Africa Mobility Research Fellowship Program for African early-career scientists studying past global changes in 2021. > All details
The PAGES Early-Career Award
PAGES awards an annual Early-Career Award (ECA) for excellence in collaborative scholarship, including research, communication, outreach, leadership, networking, community service, and international collaboration. > All details
Find out more
There are other ways to Be involved too!