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Pages provides a free listing of paleoscience jobs as a service to the PAGES community.

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- All jobs listed here are currently still open for applications.

- The application deadlines are listed within each job description.

- Once the deadline date has passed, jobs are automatically removed from the list.

Name Location Category Application deadline
Tenure Track, Assistant Professor in Environmental History - New Orleans, USA
New Orleans, United States
Faculty/Permanent 01-11-2024
postdoctoral fellowship, Palaeoecology laboratory - Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Postdoc 15-10-2024
Scientific Programmer, Earth system modeling - Bern, Switzerland
Bern, Switzerland
Other 30-09-2024
Research Scientist, Speleothems and paleoecology- Dublin, Ireland
Dublin, Ireland
Other 25-09-2024
Professor, Dynamic Meteorology - Innsbruck, Austria
Innsbruck, Austria
Faculty/Permanent 16-09-2024
Research Assistant, Micropaleontology - Greifswald, Germany
Greifswald, Germany
Student 15-09-2024
Post Doctoral position, isotope geochemistry and paleoclimatology - Kiel, Germany
Kiel, Germany
Postdoc 01-09-2024
Postdoctoral position, Arctic Paleoceanography and Carbon Sequestration - Aarhus, Denmark
Aarhus, Denmark
Postdoc 01-09-2024
PhD position, Reconstruction of Alpine glaciations from cave sediment records - La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
Student 31-08-2024
PhD position, Earth System Modelling with Interactive Ice Sheets - Bremerhaven, Germany
Bremerhaven, Germany
Student 30-08-2024
Research Assistant, Palaeoclimatology - Vigo, Spain
Vigo, Spain
Other 27-08-2024
Professorship, Anthropocene Coast - Wilhelmshaven, Germany
Wilhelmshaven, Germany
Faculty/Permanent 24-08-2024
PhD position, Spatial climate variability patterns reconstructed with Bayesian Hierarchical Learning - Potsdam, Germany
Potsdam, Germany
Student 23-08-2024
5-yr Research Chair/ Assistant Prof., Biological Sciences in wetland carbon dynamics - Montreal, Canada
Montreal, Canada
Faculty/Permanent 19-08-2024
PhD position, Reconstructing Past Vegetation and Fire History in the Landes de Gascogne Area - Toulouse, France
Toulouse, France
Student 15-08-2024
Technical assistant - Kiel, Germany
Kiel, Germany
Other 15-08-2024
Postdoc, Tropical peatlands carbon cycling - Exeter, UK
Exeter, United Kingdom
Postdoc 12-08-2024
2 x PhD positions, Dryland Agriculture and Land Use - Johannesburg, South Africa
Johannesburg, South Africa
Student 09-08-2024
PhD, Geochemical tools to better understand historical boreal fire severity - Québec City, Canada
Québec City, Canada
Student 07-08-2024
Fully funded PhD in limnogeology - Québec city, Canada
Québec City, Canada
Student 07-08-2024
Lectureship in Climate Science - University College London, UK
London, United Kingdom
Faculty/Permanent 04-08-2024
Lecturer in Earth Surface Geochemistry - Leeds, UK
Leeds, United Kingdom
Faculty/Permanent 24-07-2024
Fully funded PhD position, coupled climate and ice sheet modelling of the Pleistocene - St.John's (Newfoundland), Canada
St. John's, Canada
Student 15-06-2024
Paleontological field technicians - California, USA
California, United States