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All at Sea? Coastal Environments: An holistic appraisal

York, United Kingdom
Contact person
Dr Katherine Selby
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

Abstract deadline: 17 June 2011Registration deadline: 15 July 2011

The coastal zone has a long history of research including geomorphological analysis, covering processes and landforms, sea level change, past, present and future, ecological studies of communities and habitats down to individual species, and anthropogenic studies of settlement patterns and use of resources in the coastal zone.The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers who work in coastal environments and encourage discourse and dissemination of information that could be mutually beneficial. To achieve this four sessions will be arranged that will each be opened with a key note speaker who will present a ‘State of the Art’ review of methods that will enable delegates to reflect on, and share ideas about, how better integration of research between the disciplines may occur.

The sessions are:

1. Coastal environments in low latitudes (Thursday 8 September)2. Coastal environments in mid latitudes (Friday 9 September)3. Coastal environments in high latitudes (Thursday 8 September)4. The future of coastal environments (Friday 9 September)

This meeting is supported by IGCP Project 588 and by the INQUA Commission for Coastal and Marine Processes.