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Paleochronology Building Workshop

San Miguel de Allende, GUA, Mexico
Workshop report
Contact person
Maarten Blaauw
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

This is a residential, interdisciplinary, international, educational workshop, introducing participants to the latest in Bayesian age-modelling. There will be methodology comparisons and discussion of different dating techniques (radiocarbon, tephra, etc.), statistical approaches, as well as hands-on use of specialized software such as Bacon, Bpeat, BChron, OxCal, etc.


-Participants from a range of backgrounds will get the opportunity to present their data and analyses during a dedicated poster and oral session.

-The variation of research backgrounds will promote a lively discussion of the merits and limitations of individual dating methods, proxies, models and interpretations.

-Age-model developers and users will interact, prodiving age-modellers with new data, ideas, problems, wishes and other input, and informing users about the latest age- modelling techniques.

-Users will become more aware of how chronological information is obtained and statistically treated and become knowledgeable in interpreting the possibilities and limitations of their own data as well as those of other past global climate/environmental change studies.

-Similarly, users can be of benefit to age-model developers by identifying knowledge gaps, contributing real-world data, novel ideas, and opportunities for collaborative projects.

Registration/Application deadline: 30 June 2010 (Early Bird)