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SynTraCE-21 Workshop

Timberlane Lodge, OR, United States
Workshop report
Contact person
Zhengyu Liu
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

The overarching goals of the Synthesis of Transient Climate Evolution of the last 21-kyr (SynTraCE-21) working group and the associated workshop series are

(i) to facilitate an international effort at a comprehensive synthesis of proxy climate records in order to better describe the major features of global climate evolution of the last 21 kyr, and

(ii) to conduct data comparison to transient model simulations.

Planned products

1) A comprehensive global synthesis of terrestrial and marine proxy records of the last 21 kyr.

2) A workshop summary in EOS or the PAGES newsletter, highlighting the features of the new database.

3) Scientific publications on data synthesis and model-data comparison from each subgroup on a specific target to general syntheses on the major features of climate evolution over the last 21 kyr.

4) The development of a database of the proxy records included in the synthesis and the transient model output that will be made available to the community through the NOAA paleo data website.