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14th Latin American Geological Congress

Medellìn, ANT, Colombia
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Registration deadline: 28 Feb 2011 (early rate)

The Colombian Geological Society, the Colombian Geological Survey (INGEOMINAS), the Colombian Association of Petroleum Geologists and Geophysics (ACGGP), EAFIT University, and the National University of Colombia are happy to invite all of the Latin American geological community to attend the 14th Latin American Geological Congress.

The main objectives of these two events are as follows in order to:

- Provide the participants with an arena for presentation and discussion of the latest scientific results regarding geological research within Latin America and Colombia

- Organize forums for discussion of pertinent subjects related to the geosciences, as well as workshops which address the needs of Latin American and local workers within the geosciences

- Promote the use of the most significant advancements within basic and applied geo-scientific research

- Provide an arena for fruitful scientific discussions between Latin American and Colombian geoscientists, in order to promote future collaborations within the Latin American scientific community

- Organize a commercial exhibition of state of the art technologies that are available for geo-scientific research, data acquisition and transmission

*The 13th Colombian Geological Congress will be held concurrently with the 14th Latin American Geological Congress in Medelli­n.