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7th EGU Alexander von Humboldt Conference: Ocean Acidification

Penang, Malaysia
Meeting Category

Abstract deadline: 15 March 2011Registration deadline: 31 March 2011

The 7th EGU Alexander von Humboldt Conference on Ocean Acidification: Consequences for marine ecosystems and society, will be organized by the University Sains Malaysia (USM) and the European Geosciences Union (EGU)

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1. Ocean acidification and the marine ecosystem -Seawater chemistry: paleoreconstructions, present observations, future projections -Impact on calcifying organisms (plankton, corals, commercial shellfish, etc) -Animal performance characters and species interactions (including ecosystem response) -Microbial processes and interactions -Biogeochemical cycles and climate feedbacks

2. Ocean acidification and society and politics

3. Ocean acidification and biogeoengineering

4. Outreach