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Developing New Techniques and Core Locations to Constrain the History of the Greenland Ice Sheet

Corvallis, OR, United States
Workshop report
Contact person
Anders E. Carlson
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

This workshop will bring together a diverse group of scientists to focus on how to constrain the past history of the Greenland Ice Sheet using ocean drilling. Participants will include marine geologists, paleoceanographers, geochemists, geophysicists, seismic surveyors, glaciologists, and ice-sheet and climate modelers.

The response of the Greenland Ice Sheet to global warming represents one of the greatest uncertainties in predicting future sea-level rise. Observations extend back only decades and terrestrial geologic records rarely exist beyond the last deglaciation. Therefore, a marine-based paleo perspective is required to elucidate the response of this ice sheet to climate change. Based on the emphasis put forward in the IODP Science Plan, a workshop is being convened to discuss the utility and application of ocean drilling in reconstructing the paleo-history of the Greenland Ice Sheet.

Discussions will focus on two main areas:

-Existing and potentially new proxies of GIS behavior and extent that can inform the ice-sheet and climate modeling communities

-New coring locations around Greenland that would provide longer and more detailed records than can be reconstructed with existing materials

Full and partial travel funding is available for a limited number of U.S. and international scientists. Postdoctoral scholars and graduate students are encouraged to attend and they will be given priority in travel support funding.

Interested attendees should contact conveners:

Joseph Stoner (jstoner[at]coas[dot]oregonstate[dot]edu) 

Anders Carlson (acarlson[at]geology[dot]wisc[dot]edu)