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Arctic2k Working Group: Reconstructing precipitation in the Arctic for the last 2000 years

San Francisco, CA, United States
Contact person
Pierre Francus
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

The goal of this meeting will be to launch phase two of Arctic2k, i.e. reconstruction of precipitation in the Arctic for the last 2k, and will include the following topics:

1. Establish a new leadership for Arctic2k, including electing a group leader and a Scientific Steering Group (SSG);

2. Assign tasks and schedule to group members;

3. Organize the further mining of proxy records to be used in the Arctic;

4. Establish criteria of selection for records to be included in the reconstructions.

The following key positions are required to be filled, and this will also be discussed at the meeting:

• Data-Model liaison: for an effective collaboration with the PMIP group, a contact person from the Arctic2k group has to be nominated. This person does not need to be a modeling expert but should be interested in modeling and in interacting with modelers. Ideally, this person attended the joint PAGES2k-PMIP meeting on 4-6 November 2013 in Madrid, Spain.

• Reconstruction specialist(s): have the skills and capacities to calculate the Arctic climate reconstructions. Ideally, this (these) person(s) would attend the “PAGES2k reconstruction methods meeting” planned for early 2014 at Woods Hole, US.

• Data collector(s): will be in charge of coordinating the search for new proxy records for the Arctic region. The Arctic2k community will be mobilized to share the task of finding proxy records.

• Data manager(s): will collect, quality control, and if necessary re-format all the incoming data.

• Web or mailing list manager(s): will take care of our mailing list, web site content updates or any other tool used for outreach and communication.


Golden Gate Ballroom

Serrano Hotel

405 Taylor Street

San Francisco, CA 94102

More information

Please email: Pierre Francus - (pfrancus[at]ete[dot]inrs[dot]ca)