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PAGES SSC/EXCOM meeting 2014

Paris, France
Contact person
Thorsten Kiefer
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

PAGES activities are overseen by an international Scientific Steering Committee (SSC), nominated by members of the paleoscience community and appointed by the IGBP Steering Committee. This is their annual meeting. In general, it is a closed meeting for SSC members and a few invited guests; however, anyone with a particular interest in attending parts of the meeting that could be open to the community should contact Thorsten Kiefer.

In addition the Executive Committee (EXCOM), a subset of five SSC members, will also hold a short evening meeting during this period.

The meeting agenda

- Planning the direction of PAGES' science
- Monitoring the progress of PAGES Working Groups
- Organising the transition to Future Earth
- Discussing collaborations with WCRP and other organisations
- Promoting effective capacity building strategies
- PAGES' role in assessments
- Data strategy

SSC members will also have a half day meeting with representatives from Future Earth to discuss the upcoming transition process.


Minutes are available for download here.