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Advanced Climate Dynamics Course - Greenland Ice Sheet

Disko Island, Greenland
Meeting Category

We would like to draw your attention to the ADVANCED CLIMATE DYNAMICS COURSE (ACDC) 2014 on "The dynamics of the Greenland ice sheet" which will take place August 16 - 31, 2014 at Arctic Station, on Disko Island, western Greenland.

Detailed information is available online at:

Advanced graduate students and early post-docs are encouraged to apply.

The registration is now open and the application deadline is the 1st of March 2014.


The main focus of this year's course will be on understanding the basic principles and dynamics behind changes to the Greenland ice sheet in the past, present and future. The course aims to provide an environment for engaging discussions between all participants (students and lecturers), exchange of concepts and ideas between meteorology, oceanography, paleoclimate and glaciology, and identification of key scientific challenges.

The current list of confirmed lecturers includes:
* Andreas Vieli (University of Zuerich),
* Camilla S. Andresen (National Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland),
* David Battisti (U. Washington),
* Fiamma Straneo (WHOI),
* Gerard Roe (U. Washington),
* Helene Seroussi (JPL),
* Kerim Nisancioglu (BCCR/U. Bergen),
* Øyvind Paasche (U. Bergen),
* Patrick Heimbach (MIT),
* Richard Hindmarsh (British Antarctic Survey),
amongst others.

The Organizers

Kerim Hestnes Nisancioglu, Bjerknes/UiB; Patrick Heimbach, MIT; David Battisti, UW; Tore Furevik, Bjerknes/UiB; Jake Gebbie, WHOI

Relevant papers

Special Issue on drowned continental shelf landscapes in Geomorphology v. 203 (edited by K. Cohen and F.J. Lobo)
S. Bates, M. Siddall, C. Waelbroeck, 2014, Hydrographic variations in deep ocean temperature over the mid-Pleistocene transition: Quaternary Science Reviews 88, 147-158.