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2nd edition of the Ramon Margalef Summer Colloquia

Barcelona, B, Spain
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

** What Ecology can learn from natural and human-induced disturbances: A cross-system view **

As this summer is the 10th anniversary of Ramon Margalef’s passing away, we would like to make this year’s colloquia very special, and the topic,
 exceptionally, will cross the marine boundary to reach a planet view, under the 
motto: “What Ecology can learn from natural and human-induced disturbances – A
 cross-system view”.

The colloquia will include theoretical and practical
 activities, all around this central topic, as well as group discussion sessions. The registration deadline has been extented past the 14 March. For more see:

This colloquia, for advanced doctoral students and recent PhDs, is
 jointly organized by the Institute of Marine Sciences 
( ), the University of Barcelona (UB), the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF) and the Catalan Association of Oceanographers 

The list of invited speakers and international lecturing scientists is:

- Simon A. Levin (Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology - Princenton University, US)

- Michel Loreau (Centre for Biodiversity Theory and Modelling - CNRS, Moulis, France)

- Carlos Duarte (UWA Oceans Institute, The University of Western Australia, Australia)

- Christian Korner (CK Institute of Botany, University of Basel, Petersplatz, Switzerland)

- Juli G. Pausas (Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificacion - CSIC, Valencia, Spain)

- Sergio Sanudo-Wilhelmy (Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies - University of Southern California, US)

- Erik Jeppesen (Department of Bioscience and Lake Ecology - Aarthus University, Silkeborg, Denmark)

- Josep Canadell (Global Carbon Project, Marine and Atmospheric Research - CSIRO, Australia)

More information

For further information you may visit the web page of the Colloquia
 at or write us (margalefcolloquia[at]acoio[dot]org)