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19th International Sedimentological Congress

Geneva, Switzerland
Working groups
Meeting Category

Sedimentology at the crossroads of new frontiers

The Swiss sedimentological community and the organizing committee cordially invite you to the 19th International  Sedimentological Congress 2014. Following successful gatherings in three geographically different countries during the last twelve years (South Africa, Japan and Argentina), the 19th edition of the ISC is returning to the heart of Europe.

Geneva has a long tradition as a venue for major meetings and is a host city to many international organizations. It has been a cultural center for many centuries and home to many creative spirits in the fields of science and art. The Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Geneva is one of seven Swiss centers conducting research in all fields of sedimentology. Geneva amalgamates all the advantages of a small city with the facilities and services usually only found in much larger cities ! It provides a unique environment for meeting with colleagues in a relaxing atmosphere.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we look forward to introducing you to the smallest of the big capitals. We are sure it will offer the ideal environment to discuss cutting edge sedimentology, as well as to explore new scientific frontiers that are relevant to the various societal challenges facing the 21st century


The organizers cordially invite the submission of abstracts under the themes outlined below. Authors are invited to present their work as a talk or poster presentation.

Theme 1 - Continental depositional environments
Theme 2 - Marine and coastal depositional environments
Theme 3 - Processes in sedimentation
Theme 4 - Basin analysis
Theme 5 - From sediments to rocks
Theme 6 - Applied and resource sedimentology
Theme 7 - Predicting and visualizing sedimentary processes and systems through modeling
Theme 8 - Volcano-sedimentology
Theme 9 - Climate and Earth surface environments in deep time
Theme 10 - Sedimentary organic matter

Submission deadline : 30 April 2014

PAGES relevant sessions

The Varves Working Group is organizing a session at this meeting - S14: What’s up with varves?

Convenors: Pierre Francus, Antti Ojala, Arndt Schimmelmann, Bernd Zolitschka

Varves, i.e. annual laminations in lacustrine and marine sediment records, are exceptional features in many aspects: they are rare, can be used to constrain and build calendar-year chronologies, and contain high-resolution records of past environmental and climatic conditions. Moreover, their reproducibility at a given depositional site, e.g. within a lake basin, allow for internal validation of their continuity and integrity. Nevertheless, varves appear in a variety of forms (clastic, biogenic and evaporitic) making their interpretation site-specific. This session welcomes reports about latest developments in the sedimentology, genesis and interpretation of varved sediment records from both the marine and the continental realm. We invite contributions using varved records to (1) establish robust chronologies for limnogeological and paleoceanographic research, (2) constrain the timing and paleogeography of ice retreat, (3) improve geochronological methods, (4) document new analytical methodologies, for example achieving subannual temporal resolution, (5) show how varve records improve our understanding of paleoclimatic conditions for the Holocene, the Late Glacial, and earlier time periods, and (6) highlight any other topic related to the study of varves such as process-studies of varve formation and preservation.