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Late Pleistocene and Holocene climatic variability in the Carpathian-Balkan region

Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Workshop report
Contact person
Marcel Mindrescu
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

This workshop is a joint initiative between several research and academic Romanian and international institutions and will be hosted by Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, one of the leading Romanian universities, in the cosmopolitan city of Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania.

In the 2nd edition of this PAGES and Romanian Cirques & Lakes-sponsored meeting we propose an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary scientific event tackling climate and environmental changes in the Carpathian-Balkan region since the Last Glacial.

The workshop aims to further support the collection of data and evidence from the region in order to produce a major palaeoenvironmental synthesis. Moreover, we envisage that this event will provide more insight into the most recent advances in palaeosciences and help enhance regional collaboration in research, which has been rather understated thus far.

CBW2014 is a follow up on the first PAGES-supported workshop in 2011, “Climate Change in the Balkan- Carpathian region during the Late Pleistocene & Holocene”, which marked an important step in scientific research in this region, and provides a framework for further investigation of the hitherto neglected Carpathian - Lower Danube - Balkan region.

Timescales covered

Late Pleistocene and Holocene; the goal of the workshop is to synthesize data for climate reconstruction from multi-proxy studies with a focus on the Last Termination (ca 22–11.5 ka) and Holocene.

Topics of interest of CBW2014 include, but are not limited to the following scientific subjects:
- Characteristics and extents of former glaciation(s) in the Carpathian-Balkan region
- Lake sediments and peat-bog deposits as palaeoenvironmental archives
- Past climate and history of vegetation changes
- Karst and cave records as recorders of climate change
- Dendrochronology
- Geoarchaeology
- Climate variations and fluvial dynamics
- Loess-Paleosoil complexes
- Recent climate change modelling techniques
- Human impact and pollution history
- Land use/land cover changes and climate - modelling and analysis


The workshop will bring together leading researchers and experts in palaeoscience from the Carpathian- Balkan region, welcoming posters and oral presentations. The event will feature keynote lectures from well-respected scientists providing state-of-the-art overviews of main topics, open debates and round-table discussions on a wide range of topics related to the regional climate dynamics during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Furthermore, the poster session will provide the opportunity to discuss your results in more detail.

Oral presentations and poster sessions will be ensued by archive-specific (e.g. glaciation, paleolimnology etc.) breakout group discussions, which will establish database strategies and future priorities for interdisciplinary research in the region.


Registration and abstract submission can be performed online at:

Deadline 1st September 2014.

More information

For more information regarding the required format see the 1st circular or the meeting website:


Post-meeting material

> Programme

> Abstract volume