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PAGES regional workshop in Japan

Nagoya, 23, Japan
Workshop report
Meeting Category

This PAGES Regional Workshop, held at the Noyori memorial conference hall, Nagoya University (prior to the PAGES Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) meeting), was designed to introduce the variety of Japanese paleoscience to the PAGES SSC and enhance the collaboration between the Japanese and international paleoscience communities.

84 scientists and students, including the international scientists from the PAGES SSC, attended this workshop with 21 oral and 47 poster presentations. Oral sessions consisted of keynotes by SSC members to introduce PAGES 4 scientific Foci and Cross-Cutting Themes (CCTs), followed by presentations by Japanese paleoscientists on recent research activities relating to each Focus or CCT.

All fields of paleosciences were represented in this workshop, demonstrating that in Japan there is a full lineup of paleoscience research, corresponding to all of PAGES activities.