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CLIVAR/PAGES Intersection panel meeting

Trieste, TS, Italy
Workshop report
Working groups
Meeting Category

The rationale of the panel meeting is to revise the CLIVAR/PAGES Intersection goals by reevaluating, updating, and modifying the 2004 Vision Document and outlining concrete activities for the next 3 years.

Agenda items:
- Revisiting of key elements of the 2004 Vision Document
- Reporting on activities since 2004
- Discussion: Evaluation of past acivities and of 2004 Vision Document
- Discussion of ideas for new topics and activities
- Drafting of Vision Document and Activity outlines in breakout groups
- Planning of panel membership
- Role of panel and how panel should operate in the next phase

Contact: Eystein Jansen (panel co-chair PAGES)

Contact: Gavin Schmidt (panel co-chair CLIVAR)