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2014 Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting

Vancouver, BC, Canada
Working groups
Meeting Category

Discover new science in the hundreds of sessions, trips, courses, and events. GSA is where geoscience professionals come to get engaged, get educated, get inspired, and enjoy each moment.

Abstract submission deadline: 29 July 2014. More here.

PAGES-relevant sessions:

From the PALSEA Working Group

Sea-Level Rise And Salt-Marsh Response: A Paleo Perspective
Convened by: Andy Kemp, Benjamin Horton, Jim Morris
Paleo sea-level data provide a background against which to compare recent trends, and characterize patterns of natural variability. Salt marsh reconstructions deliver a paleo-perspective for predicting the ecological effects of future sea-level rise. We invite contributions that explore the spatial and temporal complexity of sea-level change and salt marsh response across timescales from the past to present.

Sea-Level Changes From Minutes To Millennia
Convened by: Simon Engelhart, Benjamin Horton, Adam Switzer
Reconstructions of relative sea level, coastal evolution and extreme events (storms and tsunamis) are of local to global interest. Devastating extreme events have placed significant socioeconomic relevance on understanding human-land-ocean interaction and coastal dynamics. We invites contributions that cover catastrophic or instantaneous events (minutes to hours) to geological-scale changes (centuries to millennia).

Microfossils in the Coastal Zone:  Indicators of Coastal Change over Short- and Long-Term Timescales (T176)
Convened by: Andrea Hawkes, Jessica Pilarczyk, and Tina Dura
More than half of the world’s population resides within 60 km of the coast.  Coastal change presents a hazard to these intense concentrations of population, economic production, and static infrastructure. Understanding how land-use change (e.g., pollution, sediment transport, geoarcheaology), extreme events (e.g., earthquakes, storms, tsunamis) and sea-level change have altered coastal systems in the past will improve our ability to forecast how these systems will respond to future changes.  Microfossils are an effective tool for monitoring and reconstructing coastal change because species occupy diverse ecological niches spanning the entire environmental gradient presented by the coastal zone from marine to freshwater conditions.  We explore recent interdisciplinary advances in microfossil research and their application to the coastal zone.  We welcome a broad range of studies that employ microfossils as indicators of coastal change over various spatial and temporal scales such as punctuated extreme events to long-term environmental change.  We encourage a breadth of studies (e.g., pollution indicators, sediment transport, tsunamis, storms, sea level), particularly those that use microfossils to reconstruct records of past earthquakes, storms, tsunamis, and sea-level.