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Open LUCIFS Workshop 2006

Frankfurt, Germany
Workshop report
Working groups
Meeting Category

New trends in Geomorphology - Systems-based understanding of long term man-landscape interactions

The PAGES-LUCIFS group is pleased to announce an open workshop in May 2006. Our workshop places strong emphasis on a geomorphological and sedimentological perspective on mid- to long-term man-landscape interactions. The workshop program is designed specifically to explore the most current research in human influences on quantitative sediment fluxes at temporal scales of 102 to 103 years.
LUCIFS is concerned with recent notions vividly discussed in geomorphology such as non-linear behavior, the role of configurational state, scale effects, and emergent properties. Currently a change in the way we understand geomorphic systems is going on. Therefore, the overriding workshop objective is interactively developing a state-of-the-art publication that will
> summarise new approaches and new methodologies for geomorphic systems-based research into man-landscape interactions,
> outline research strategies for quantifying human impact, and
> make recommendations for recording and quantifying time-dependent sediment fluxes with respect to human impact.