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XXVI IUGG Symposium: Earth and Environmental Sciences for Future Generations


Prague, Czech Republic

Meeting Category

The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) is the international organization dedicated to advancing, promoting, and communicating knowledge of the Earth system, its space environment, and the dynamical processes causing change.

IUGG holds its general assembly every four years. Currently, IUGG is a composite of eight semi-autonomous associations covering various physical, chemical, mathematical, and environmental disciplines.


Abstract submission at:
Deadline for abstract submission 31 January 2015.

PAGES / paleo-related sessions

Ice Cores and Climate (C08)
Convener: Eric Wolff (Cambridge, U.K.)
Co-conveners: Margit Schwikowski (Villigen, Switzerland), Kumiko Goto-Azuma (Tokyo, Japan), Valérie Masson-Delmotte (Gif sur Yvette, France)

Ice cores are providing unique physical insight into climate change on timescales from seasonal up to several glacial cycles. Their strength is that information about climate forcing factors and the response of many climatic variables is recorded in the same core. At the shorter timescales ice cores deliver records of recent variability and trends and about modes that imprint on ice records. At longer timescales, they provide, for example, insight into the connections between greenhouse gases and glacial cycles, and the interhemispheric patterns associated with abrupt climate changes. Ice cores are available not only from the large polar ice caps of Greenland and Antarctica, but also from high elevation glaciers in the mid and low latitudes. In this symposium we welcome presentations related to ice cores from all locations. While the primary product is reconstructions of climate and environment, we also welcome contributions to supporting aspects such as ice core chronologies and interpretation of proxies, as well as studies that combine ice cores with data from other palaeoclimate archives, or that use ice core data together with climate models.

List of other cryosphere symposia:



Southern Hemispheric forcing of the MOC and carbon cycle in past, present, and future climate change (P05)
Convenors: Lisa Beal, Gianluca Marino, Karen Kohfeld, Marjolaine Krug, Shenfu Dong

Changes in the Southern Hemisphere wind fields, in the strength and position of oceanic fronts, and in the inter-ocean water transport are all important modulators of the MOC and climate on time scales stretching from interannual to multi-millenial. Climate sensitivity is also dependent on the interplay between many different oceanic processes, including meridional and inter-ocean eddy heat and salt transports, the Southern Hemisphere supergyre and Antarctic Circumpolar Current, the upper and lower overturning cells, and the uptake and storage of carbon in the Southern Ocean.

In this session we invite contributions on all aspects of ocean circulation and processes, within the Southern Hemisphere, which play a role in climate and its variability. Paleoceanographic studies centred on new proxy-data reconstructions, numerical models of paleo-circulation, and inter-ocean buoyancy exchange are highly encouraged. We also seek contributions on the variability of Western Boundary Currents, their fronts and recirculations, and their relation to oceanic and atmospheric fluxes of heat and freshwater. Studies of the Agulhas system and its leakage, their relation to winds and wind stress curl, to the Southern Hemisphere supergyre and Indonesian Throughflow, and to the MOC are of particular interest. As are studies of Southern Ocean processes, including eddy heat transport, the movement and strength of fronts, the overturning cells, and sources and sinks of carbon. We strongly encourage theoretical and numerical studies that attempt to illuminate the linkages between these systems and processes and can lead to a better understanding of the role of the Southern Hemisphere oceans in climate.


Past Climate Changes: a Key for the Future (Session M17-M18)

Without rapid and dramatic reductions in carbon dioxide emissions, the Earth’s climate may reach a level of warmth not experienced in many millions of years. This change may occur over only a few hundred years, accompanied by sea level rising at a rate of as much as a meter, or perhaps more, per century.
The past few million years have seen some of the largest changes in climate that the Earth has experienced, ranging from conditions warmer than modern to those with continental glaciations that reduced sea level by more than 100 meters below its present level. Understanding the nature and mechanisms of past climate changes and particularly the relative stability of the past warm periods such as the more recent Quatenary interglacials and the earlier Mid-Pliocene Warm Period, has the potential to provide context and insight into climate and sea-level response to human activities over the industrial period and into the future.
This symposium invites researchers who investigate the long-term behaviour of the climate system in the past and how it is projected to change into the future. We encourage both modellers and empirical scientists who focus on different aspects of the climate system to participate.

Symposium M18-M17: Past Climatic Changes, a key for the future
Pre Quaternary:
Session 1 (variability and transition) - Chair: A. Haywood
Session 2 (ocean, sea ice) - Chair: A. Haywood

Session 3 (Pleistocene) - Chairs: Q. Yin, A. Berger
Session 4 (Holocene) - Chairs: M. MacCracken, K. Lambeck, A.Timmermann