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PAGES South American Paleoscience Symposium


Las Cruces, Chile

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Meeting Category


To coincide with PAGES' annual SSC meeting at the Estación Costera de Investigaciones Marinas (ECIM), PAGES will host this symposium addressing various aspects of paleoclimatology for the South American paleoclimate/paleoenvironmental community.

Topcs include:

Coordinated Global Change Science

Climate System Dynamics

Earth System - Human Interaction

Biogeosphere and Ecosystem Dynamics

PAGES' envisioned integrated activities


Download the program here.


Estación Costera de Investigaciones Marinas (ECIM)
Osvaldo Marin 1672, Las Cruces, Chile
Ph: +56 35 243 1670

Accommodation is arranged for registered participants near the meeting venue. Pick up services from/to the airport Santiago de Chile (SCL) to/from Las Cruces will be offered. Breakfast, coffee breaks and lunch are included.


The PAGES SSC members will stay in the "Quirinal" cabins. Every cabin has two single rooms. This place offers breakfast and has a Wi-Fi zone.

Quirinal cabins
Avda. Las Salinas 747, Las Cruces
Phone: +56 35 431 476

Other participants will stay at the "San Pablo" cabins. Every cabin has one single room and one triple room. This place does not offer either breakfast or Wi-Fi. The cabins do have a kitchen.

Cabañas San Pablo
Calle Bolivia #658, Las Cruces
Ph: +56 97 621 1608

There are food markets near the cabins.

Other important information

Las Cruces is a very tiny town and doesn't have a lot services. We advise you come with cash and that you change money at the airport.

Las Cruces’ weather can be variable, very nice and warm for day (20-30 °C) but at night it can be colder (10-13 °C). We advise you come with abundant solar protection, clothing that covers your shoulders, a hat, and warm clothing for the night.

For attendees spending a few days in Santiago, the taxi from the airport to Santiago costs about USD 35.

To register

Via email to Claudio Latorre (clatorre[at]bio[dot]puc[dot]cl)
Logistical inquiries to Katherine Martínez (kemartin[at]uc[dot]cl)