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Advanced Course on Applied Paleoclimate Time Series Analysis


Heckenbeck, Germany

Contact person
Manfred Mudelsee
Meeting Category

Course Description

The course is tailored to the needs of students and researchers in paleoclimatology. It deals with climate archives, proxy variables and dating. It shows you the statistical algorithms to optimally answer your questions about the paleoclimate.

You learn how the various uncertainty sources (proxy and dating) propagate into the uncertainty of the statistical estimation result. You become aware of the three major pitfalls in climate data analysis: ignored autocorrelation, violated Gaussian assumption and ignored multiplicity of hypothesis tests.

Paleoclimate application examples include:

o Northern Hemisphere Glaciation in the Pliocene (archive: marine sediment cores)

o Temperature and ice-volume changes during the late Pleistocene (ice cores)

o Monsoon proxy records and solar forcing in the Holocene (speleothem archive)

o Paleohurricane risk from proxy series during the past millennium (lake sediment cores)

o River floods during the past millennium (documentary sources)

o Runoff break points for the instrumental period (climate model output)

o Calibration of climate proxy variables

The course consists of lectures and extensive hands-on training in computer tutorials. Data, software, the lecture as PDF and a softcopy of the textbook (Mudelsee, 2014, Climate Time Series Analysis, 2nd edition, Springer, 454 pp) is included in the fee.

Accomodation, dinner, lunch, breakfast, snacks, coffee and tea as well as a shuttle service are also covered by the registration fee. In addition to paying the fee, you just have to arrange your travel!

Participants of past courses have praised the intellectual atmosphere, the family-like setting and nice rural landscape here at Heckenbeck.

Participants are encouraged to bring their own data for discussion and analysis during the course. The number of participants is limited to six (first come, first serve) to allow in-depth consultation with the course holder and textbook author, Manfred Mudelsee.


Registration fee, early-bird: 1650 EUR (net price, covers full course material, accomodation and all meals!)

Registration fee, late: 1950 EUR (net price)

Deadline for early-bird registration: 31 December 2014

Registration and more information:

The number of participants is limited to six, first come, first serve.