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anthraco2015 - 6th International Anthracology Meeting


Freiburg, Germany

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The 6th International Anthracology Meeting: Local to Global Significance of Charcoal Science follows the tradition of the past meetings in Montpellier 1991, Paris 2000, Lecce 2004, Bruessels 2008 and Valencia in 2011. It will take place in Freiburg, SW-Germany, from 30th August to 6th September 2015 and will be jointly organized by the Department of Geobotany, Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg and the Tree-ring Lab of the Baden-Wuerttemberg State Office for Cultural Heritage.

Four years after the last meeting many new results have been worked out by anthracologists and charcoal scientists all over the world, with a broad range of scientific contexts and involved disciplines. Consequently the anthraco2015 will focus on:

- the present state of the art, innovative methods and new answers of (old) research questions,

- promoting charcoal science and experience transfer as well as new interdisciplinary cooperation and collaboration,

- identifying current and future research gaps and questions and initiating the corresponding studies in the close future.

It is intended to bring together scientists of the various fields and approaches dealing with charcoal and its analysis - archaeologists, botanists, (palaeo)ecologists, geologists, geographers, pedologists, historians, etc. ... from all over the world - the world’s charcoal science community.

Consequently we invite and strongly request those scientists interested in this field of science from all over the world to participate in the anthraco2015 meeting and submit a scientific contribution about new results (oral or poster) in the conference topics and present them at the University of Freiburg in late summer 2015.

The central scientific program will be presented from Monday, 31st August, to Friday, 4th September 2015 with six oral and poster sessions.

Moreover, within the congress week we want to offer some opportunities to get to know the rich cultural landscape and study objects of vegetation history and anthracology in the close surrounding of the congress city, especially of the famous Black Forest holiday landscape by several field activities (pre-, mid- and post-congress excursions).


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