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Open kickoff meeting of the PAGES working group Global Soil and Sediment Transfers in the Anthropocene (GloSS)


Bonn, Germany

Workshop report
Contact person
Thomas Hoffmann
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

GloSSThe proposed workshop is the first meeting of the newly launched PAGES working group, GloSS.

The GloSS kickoff meeting aims to synthesize (1) paleoenvironmental proxies on human impacts with respect to Soil and Sediment transfer in the Anthropocene, and (2) outline a data management plan to create a global GloSS-database and thereby set the boundary conditions for a successful operation of the working group’s first phase for meeting its scientific goals.

Primary objectives include:

• GloSS review: Presentation, discussion and, if necessary, modification of the GloSS objectives

• Update scientists: Keynote talks on the state of the art on continental/regional soil and sediment transfer in the Anthropocene are intended to draw the rough global picture on available knowledge and data

• Develop proxies: First brainstorming and preliminary list of proxies for, or indices of, human impact on rates of soil erosion and fluvial sediment transfer that are applicable at a global scale and throughout the Holocene

• Create database: Define regional task forces with one or two leader controlling the progress and road map of the working group

Learn more and register

2nd circular

1st circular

Deadline 5th August 2015.


Thomas Hoffmann
Department of Geography,
University of Bonn
Meckenheimer Allee 166,
53115 Bonn, Germany
email: Thomas.Hoffmann@Uni-­