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12th International Conference on Paleoceanography


Utrecht, Netherlands

Meeting Category

The 12th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP12) will be held in Utrcht, The Netherlands, from 28 August to 2 September 2016.

The ICP12 organizing committee is committed to maintaining the successful formula of past ICP editions.

The conference is organized along session themes, addressed in plenary oral presentations by invited speakers in the mornings and extensive poster sessions in the afternoons.

In addition, there will also be various social events, including the traditional Paleomusicology concert, excursions and the Conference dinner, to make the meeting a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

Important dates

Registration is now open

Abstract submission deadline: 1 May 2016

Notifications of abstract scheduling: 25 May 2016

Early bird registration deadline: 31 May, 2016

Publication final programme: June


The ICP12 program will be in five plenary sessions in the morning, divided over the five days of the meeting:

Session 1. Time Scales and Rates of Change
Session 2. Paleo Proxies: Development, Calibration and Application
Session 3. Biogeochemical Cycles, Biota and Evolution
Session 4: System Dynamics and Ocean-Ice-Continent Interactions
Session 5. Reconstructing the Future

Confirmed speakers

Full list still to be confirmed, but as of April 2016:

Jacky Austermann (Harvard, USA)
Stephen Barker (Cardiff, UK)
Bas de Boer (Leeds, UK/Netherlands)
Steve Bohaty (Southampton, UK)
Kirsty Edgar (Bristol, UK)
David Evans (Yale, USA)
Martin Frank (Geomar, Germany)
Matthis Hain (Southampton, UK)
Alan Haywood (Leeds, UK)
Timothy Herbert (Brown, USA)
Pincelli Hull (Yale, USA)
Sandy Kirtland Turner (UC Riverside, USA)
Reinhard Kozdon (Columbia, USA)
Junichiro Kuroda (JAMTEC, Japan)
Carrie Lear (Cardiff, UK)
Amy Leventer (Colgate, USA)
Mahyar Mohtadi (MARUM, Univ. Bremen, Germany)
Stefan Mulitza (MARUM, Univ. Bremen, Germany)
Julianne Muller (AWI, Germany)
Didier Roche (VU, Netherlands)

Scientific Committee

Edouard Bard (Aix-Marseille University)
Tina van de Flierdt (Imperial College London)
Bärbel Hönisch (Columbia University)
Dan Lunt (University of Bristol)
Naohiko Ohkouchi (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
Maureen Raymo (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory)
Michael Schulz (MARUM, University of Bremen )
Heather Stoll (University of Oviedo)
Anna von der Heydt (Utrecht University)
Lucas Lourens (Utrecht University)
Gert-Jan Reichart (NIOZ / Utrecht University)
Stefan Schouten (NIOZ / Utrecht University)
Caroline Slomp (Utrecht University)
Appy Sluijs (Utrecht University)

Further information

For more information about the conference, including how to register and other logistical details, please go to the website: