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Modeling isotope ratios in proxy climate records


Friday Harbour, USA

Contact person
David Noone
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

Originally advertised for May 2017, this workshop will now be held in the first week of October 2017. Exact dates and venues still to be confirmed.


Over the past decade, the fusion of paleoclimate proxy data and climate simulations has progressed to the point where it is now possible to use data assimilation approaches similar to those used for reanalysis of observations during the instrumental record.

Such approaches provide not only a reconstruction of the global-mean surface air temperature, but the spatial distribution and uncertainty in the temperature field, and potentially many others fields as well. With the existing high density of proxy records, the opportunity exists to use a data assimilation approach to extend the reanalysis time period to the last 1000 years. The development of a proxy-based reanalysis, which would be a global gridded dataset of climate fields that represents an optimal blend of information from paleoclimate proxy data and climate model simulations, has several challenges.

Workshop aims

For this workshop, to be held in Friday Harbour, Washington, USA (to be confirmed), the focus will be the challenge of simulating proxy data - specifically, stable isotope ratios - using general circulation models (GCMs) with sufficient fidelity that they can be quantitatively compared directly to observations, with the need for empirical transfer functions.

The workshop will have a limited number of participants in connection with existing US effort. We are seeking to expand participation to a wider group of interested people; especially early-career scientists from outside the US. The number of participants is limited due to venue constraints.


David Noone
Oregon State University
College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
104 Burt Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA
Email: (dcn[at]coas[dot]oregonstate[dot]edu)

More information to come ...