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MedCLIVAR 2016 Conference


Athens, Greece

Meeting Category

The MedCLIVAR 2016 conference is a forum for dissemination and discussion of progress in research on climate variability and change, impacts, adaptation, mitigation and policy solutions and options in the Mediterranean region.

Researchers from all relevant fields are invited to address open questions in the region, tools and options for better understanding the complex Mediterranean climate, and contribute towards strategies to respond to climate change pressures on ecosystems and human societies.


The Conference will be held at the University of Athens, Main Building (PROPYLAEA-University of Athens, 30 Panepistimiou Str.), located in the city centre.

Themes and Sessions

The Mediterranean Regional Climate System
Earth Observations and Climate Services in the Mediterranean region
Past climate evolution of the Mediterranean region
Assessment of climate change in the Mediterranean region
Climate and society in the Mediterranean region

The accepted contributions will be published in the conference proceedings. A special issue based on the studies presented during the conference is planned.

Important dates

31 May - Abstract submission closing
24 June - Notification of acceptance to authors
15 July - Early bird registration deadline
29 July - Final programme published online
26-30 September - MedCLIVAR 2016 conference


The MedCLIVAR 2016 conference is the fourth in a series organized by MedCLIVAR, following MedCLIVAR2011 (Lecce, Italy), MedCLIVAR2012 (Madrid, Spain), MedCLIVAR2014 (Ankara, Turkey). This sequence of conferences is fundamental for the mission of MedCLIVAR to promote better communication among different scientific disciplines and to develop a multidisciplinary vision of the evolution of the Mediterranean climate through studies that integrate atmospheric, marine, and terrestrial climate components at time scales ranging from paleoreconstructions to future climate scenarios.

Further information

Conference material, scientific programme, registration and abstract submission forms are available at