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3rd International Conference “Water resources and wetlands”


Tulcea, Romania

Meeting Category

The Romanian Limnogeographical Association (RLA) in collaboration with the German Limnological Society (GLS), Polish Limnological Society (PLS), Danube Delta National Institute Tulcea (DDNI) and the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority (DDBRA) would like to invite you to take part in the 3rd International Conference “Water resources and wetlands” from 8-10 September 2016 in the Delta Hotel, Tulcea, Romania.

The objectives of this conference are based on the need to integrate various approaches and angles in the research of inland and sea waters in order to establish sustainable ways of solving present and future problems generated by the ever more intensive use of water resources for human activities.

The goal is to offer participants a meeting place where experience and knowledge can be shared and exchanged, whether they are researchers, private companies or government institutions (central or local), in order to come up with solutions for the issues facing each of these stakeholders.

The scientific subjects which will be addressed cover a wide area of interest ranging from the study of the behavior of inland waters (groundwaters, rivers, lakes and man-made reservoirs) and coastal sea waters to the analysis of the degree to which these resources have been affected in terms of quality due to human intervention and present climate changes.

The field trips in the Danube Delta, which is one of the largest European wetlands known for its biodiversity and unique habitats, protected under the administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority (DDBRA), will contribute to a better understanding of the management of such a reserve.

Abstract submission

Authors are invited to submit abstracts (400 words) in electronic form. Submitted abstract should include the title, author, address, body of abstract, and six key words. Go to: for abstract submission details.

Please list the full first and last names of each author. Abstracts must concisely describe the study or topic in detail. Abstracts should be sent as a part of the registration form.

Send your abstract to: (water2016[at]limnology[dot]ro)

A. Rivers and lakes ecosystem ecology
B. Climate changing and water resources
C. Coastal environment
D. Deltas and wetlands
E. Water policies

Important dates

30 January: Deadline for registration and abstract submission
15 March: Notification of abstract acceptance
1 June: Deadline for full papers submission for conference proceedings and deadline for early discount registration fee
8-10 September: Conference

More information

For more information go to: