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VIII Symposium on Latin American and Caribbean Environmental History


Puebla, Mexico

Meeting Category

The Latin American and Caribbean Environmental History Association (SOLCHA), through the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán (UNAM), and the Graduate Program in History of the Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, announces the VIII SOLCHA Symposium to be held in Puebla, México, 3-5 August 2016.

The issue of sustainability has emerged as a key concern on the national and international stage, and it occupies a central place on the agendas of governmental and non-governmental organizations, and these discussions have generated greater awareness of the irreversible harm that human activity has caused to the environment.

We have succeeded in forming new research groups, in fostering the work of specialists in emerging disciplines, and in forging links with other disciplines in a bid to propose viable solutions to the challenge of sustainability. In this spirit of innovation and academic cooperation, we issue this call for proposals for this 2016 symposium.


Ecological economics: Capitalism's environmental impacts; globalization; nature as capital; the management of environmental resources (land, water, forests, and mining)
Political ecology: Conflicts over environmental resources; environmental justice; environmental governance and resource management
Social metabolism: Biophysical economic analysis; socioecological transitions; analysis of sustainability
Agroecology: Analysis of agrarian and livestock systems; landscape change; the use and management of forests
City and environment: Emergence and growth of cities; population centers’ effects on the environment; environmental changes within the urban context
Theoretical and methodological reflections on environmental history: Environmental history theory and methodology; historiographical concepts; relationships with other fields of study.

Presentation formats

Plenary session
Paper panel
Individual paper
Poster submission

All enquiries should be emailed to: (solcha2016[at]gmail[dot]com)

President of SOLCHA: Dr. Adrián Gustavo Zarrilli