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Quito, Ecuador

Meeting Category

The first major UN conference for all nations following COP21 and the SDG summit is HABITAT III, the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, which will take place in Quito, Ecuador, 17-20 October 2016.

Held every 20 years, the third urban summit expects to attract about 40,000 delegates.

In Resolution 66/207 and in line with the bi-decennial cycle (1976, 1996 and 2016), the United Nations General Assembly decided to convene the Habitat III Conference to reinvigorate the global commitment to sustainable urbanization, to focus on the implementation of a New Urban Agenda, building on the Habitat Agenda of Istanbul in 1996.

The Transformative Power of Urbanization

Throughout modern history, urbanization has been a major driver of development and poverty reduction. Governments can respond to this key development opportunity through Habitat III by promoting a new model of urban development that is able to integrate all facets of sustainable development to promote equity, welfare and shared prosperity.

It is time to think urban: how to mobilise the global community and focus all levels of human settlements, including small rural communities, villages, market towns, intermediate cities and metropolises for demographic and economic growth. Habitat III can help systematise the alignment between cities and towns and national planning objectives in their role as drivers of national economic and social development.

Further information

To read more about HABITAT III, click here:

To see 'the road' to HABITAT III, click here: