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10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference (ICDC)


Interlaken, Switzerland

Contact person
Oeschger Centre, Bern
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

The 10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference will be held in Interlaken, Switzerland, from 21-25 August 2017.

The focus of ICDC10 is on past and future changes in carbon dioxide and the carbon cycle, and their interactions and links to climate and human activities. The purpose of this conference is to bring together scientists from different disciplines to work towards an integrated view on the global cycle of carbon in the Earth System. Spatial scales considered range from local and regional towards global synthesis, temporal scales from hours to millennia. Periods addressed include the contemporary, industrial, and future, as well as the last millennia, glacial/interglacial, and stadial/interstadial periods.


Congress Centre Kursaal
CH-3800 Interlaken


ICDC10 is the next conference in the series initiated by Hans Oeschger, Uli Siegenthaler, and Charles David Keeling in 1981 in Bern with follow-up conferences every four years, starting in Switzerland (1985), Germany (1989), France (1993), Australia (1997), Japan (2001), USA (2005), Germany (2009) and China (2013).

Conference themes

The conference will be organized around themes and "Grand Challenges" that integrate across different reservoirs, ecosystems and disciplines. The overarching goal is to elucidate how human activities, including fossil fuel emissions and land use, influence the coupled carbon-climate system.

Conferences themes established by the Scientific Steering Committee are:

1) The Contemporary Carbon Cycle
1.1) Trends, Variability, and Time of Emergence of Human Impacts
1.2) Emerging Approaches and Novel Techniques in Observations

2) The Paleo Perspective: Patterns, Processes and Planetary Bounds

3) Biogeochemical Processes
3.1) Processes Understanding and Human Impacts
3.2) Coping with Complexity: from Process Understanding to Robust Models

4) Scenarios of the Future Earth and Steps toward Long-term Earth System Stability

To read more about the program, go to:

Important deadlines

New deadine 15 March 2017: Deadline abstract submission for oral/poster presentations. Submit abstracts and register here:

28 April 2017: Program and letter of acceptance for oral/poster presentations
31 May 2017: Deadline for early registration fee/open for standard registration fee
21 July 2017: Deadline for standard registration fee/open for late registration fee
20 August 2017: Icebreaker reception and registration desk
21-25 August 2017: ICDC 10 Conference
26 August 2017: Excursions

ICDC10 Scientific Steering Committee

Fortunat Joos, U. Bern, Switzerland (conference chair)
Gordon Bonan, NCAR, USA
Philippe Ciais, LSCE, France
Han Dolman, Vrije U. Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Hubertus Fischer, U. Bern, Switzerland
Nicolas Gruber, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Gerald Haug, Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry, Germany
Martin Heimann, Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, Germany
Christoph Heinze, U. Bergen, Norway
Masao Ishii, MRI Tsukuba, Japan
Ralph Keeling, Scripps, USA
Rachel Law, CSIRO, Australia
Markus Leuenberger, U. Bern, Switzerland
Ingeborg Levin, Heidelberg U., Germany
Corinne Le Quere, UEA, UK
Anna Michalak, Carnegie Institution for Science, Stanford, USA
Shilong Piao, Bejing, China
Julia Pongratz, Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology, Germany
Colin Prentice, Imperial, UK
Jim Randerson, UC Irvine, USA
Pieter Tans, NOAA, USA
Ning Zeng, U. Maryland, USA
Zicheng Yu, Lehigh U., USA 

Mailing list subscription

You are invited to subscribe to the ICDC10 mailing list to receive important notifications such as the call for papers or the start of the registration period.

Further information

Detailed information on the conference is available at: