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IGCP Project 639 - Sea Level Change from Minutes to Millennia


Muscat, Oman

Meeting Category

The IGCP Project 639 "Sea Level Change from Minutes to Millennia" meeting will be held 9-14 November 2016 at the German University of Technology in Oman, Muscat.


This meeting will cover all IGCP-related science (sea level, earthquakes, coastal inundation).

Wednesday 9 November: Coastal storm and tsunami deposit workshop.
Thursday 10 November: Oral and poster presentations; Welcome reception.
Friday 11 November: Oral and poster presentations.

Field trips

12-14 November: Field trips - The three-day field trip will encompass sites that span the breadth of project 639 science topics, including high-energy event deposits (both coastal storm and tsunami), fine-grained and coarse clastic deposits, and geoarchaeology in the context of coastal settlement and sea-level changes.

If there is enough interest, an additional seven-day field trip will be available after the conference to sites of general geological interest in Oman.

Oman project leaders

Simon Engelhart
Goesta Hoffmann
Fengling Yu
Alar Rosentau


Travel support will be available - details coming soon.


The abstract submission deadline will be around 1 August.

Further information

Check the website regularly for further updates: