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1st MOPP-MEDFLOOD workshop


Bremen, Germany

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The first workshop of the MOPP-MEDFLOOD group will be held in Bremen, Germany, from 8-9 September 2016.

MOPP-MEDFLOOD stems from the results of MEDFLOOD, which was funded by INQUA from 2012 to 2015.


The main aim of the first four years of MEDFLOOD was to bridge the communities of earth scientists and archaeologists working on sea-level problems in the Mediterranean Sea. During the last four-year period, workshops were organized with field activities aimed at fueling discussions and interdisciplinary exchanges between archaeologists, physical geographers and geologists on sea level topics.

Group aims

In MOPP-MEDFLOOD we aim to continue the work started in MEDFLOOD, adding a number of scientists from other disciplines, which were not represented in the previous project. We want to expand this call to non-Mediterranean scientists in order to involve the active community of researchers studying modern coastal processes, such as coastal storms and tsunamis.

The study of modern coastal processes has a direct relevance regarding the impact of future sea level changes and extreme events on our shorelines, but also in using modern processes to understand paleo landforms and to explore the strategies adopted in the antiquities to design coastal structures (such as harbours).

We foresee that the geographic scope of MOPP-MEDFLOOD will be in the first instance focused on the Mediterranean, but we welcome researchers working in other geographic areas.

Workshop details

We are pleased to announce the kick-off workshop of MOPPMEDFLOOD that will be held 8-9 September 2016 in Bremen, Germany, soon after the ECSA conference “Coastal Systems in transition”.

The workshop will be hosted by Marum and ZMT and a call for contributions is now open. The aim of this first workshop is to understand the state of art of the geo-archaeological and paleo-environmental reconstructions (methodologies, accuracy, etc) and better define the potentiality of the numerical tools and techniques to model the paleo coastal processes.


Access the full workshop program here.


We invite to submit contributions and inputs for discussion (max 1 page) at (medflood[at]gmail[dot]com) by the 12 August 2016.

Costs and funding

The workshop is free of charge and a limited amount of funding is available to support the travel and accommodation for early-career researchers. Those interested in applying for funding should send a motivation letter and a short CV before 15 July to Matteo Vacchi (vacchi[at]cerege[dot]fr)