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EX-AQUA 2017 workshop "Palaeohydrological extreme events: evidences and archives"


Noida, India

Contact person
Rajiv Sinha
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

The EX-AQUA 2017 workshop "Palaeohydrological extreme events: evidences and archives" will be held from 1-­5 November 2017 in Delhi, India.


The EX-­AQUA workshop 2017 will take place at the IIT Kanpur Conference Center at Noida, near New Delhi.


The meeting will encompass two days (2-­3 November) of presentations and discussions at Noida, with a workshop to present and discuss the strategies of the INQUA project. The post-workshop field trip for two days (4-5 November) will focus on the fluvial archives and palaeohydrological events that occurred in the Late Quaternary in the area of Siwalik foothills around Chandigarh, 250 km northwest of Delhi.

Field trip will include visit to the alluvial fans and river valleys to discuss palaeohydrology and drainage reorganisation in the monsoon-­‐dominated frontal part of the Western Himalaya. The workshop/field trip will finish in Delhi on 5 November 2017, the day before the International Conference on Geomorphology (ICG 2017) starts.


The EX-AQUA project is focused on understanding the processes and archives of floods and droughts at various spatio-temporal scales. Apart from their catastrophic impacts on natural systems and humans, we are also interested to devise methods and tools for their future prediction under climate change scenarios. Long term data needed for such predictions are generally rare from direct observations, and therefore, the use of paleohydrological archives can be extremely useful for extending the records and improving our modeling results. The EX-­AQUA 2017 is a project supported by the INQUA Commission on Terrestrial Processes, Deposits, and History (TERPRO).

The November 2017 meeting in Delhi follows the excellent workshop at Padova, Italy, in September 2016. This workshop was attended by over 60 scientists consisting of geomorphologists, sedimentologists and modelers; a fascinating field trip in the Venetian Plain, Alps and Karst terrain of Croatia and Slovenia was also organized after the meeting.

The title EX-AQUA consists of the Latin words "ex" (meaning "from" but also "ancient") and "aqua" (water) and it symbolizes the processes related to the lack or the abundance of water in the past.

The November 2017 meeting is organized by the Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India. The EX-AQUA project is sponsored by HEX (INQUA Focus Area on Palaeohydrology and fluvial archives - extreme and critical events).


You can submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations related to any of the following topics:

-­ Holocene hydrological events and climate change
-­ Historical flood events and chronology
-­ Geochronology of palaeohydrological events: methods and results
-­ Events, phases or periods of flooding and drought: recognition and distinction
-­ Human impact and societal resilience: Geoarchaeology & Palaeohydrology
-­ Quaternary fluvial system evolution and flood/drought variations
-­ Weather, climate and chronicles: temporal series and archives
-­ Palaeoenvironmental analyses and palaeohydrology
-­ New techniques of relevance for palaeohydrological investigations

You are also encouraged to submit an abstract on any topic related to extreme palaeohydrological events not described above. The abstract should be written in English, maximum 1 page of A4 (Font size 12). Send your abstract and specify if you ask for an oral or poster presentation to: by 31 August 2017.


Online registration is available via

Registration fee includes accommodation and food for 3 nights. The cost of the fieldtrip will include field guide, transport, food and accommodation. Early-­career scientists (i.e. PhD and postdoc) and students can apply for a discounted rate. For logistic reasons, the number of participants to the fieldtrip is limited to 20 people and the places will be assigned on first-come first-­served basis. The fieldtrip fee is all inclusive of field vehicle, food, accommodation, entrance tickets to garden and other logistic costs during the excursion.

Workshop program

1 November:
- Arrival of participants in New Delhi airport and transfer to the Noida guest house (details will be sent to the registered participants)
- Informal discussion in the afternoon
- Icebreaker in the evening

2-3 November:
- Oral and poster presentations by the participants (detailed program will follow)
- Discussion session and future plans of the Project EX-AQUA
- Workshop dinner

India Scientific Committee

Rajiv Sinha (Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur), Alessandro Fontana (University of Padova), Juergen Herget (Bonn University), Edgardo Latrubesse (Texas University), Willem Toonen (Aberyswith University).

Organizing Committee

Rajiv Sinha (IIT Kanpur), S. K. Tandon (IISER Bhopal) and Vimal Singh (Delhi University).

Further information

For any further details, please contact: Rajiv Sinha, Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016. Email: (rsinha[at]iitk[dot]ac[dot]in); Phone: +91-512-2597317, 2598218, +91-9935558218.