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PAGES 2k Network teleconferences



Contact person
Raphael Neukom
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

The PAGES 2k Network community is encouraged to join a 2k-Network-wide teleconference which will present the current status of the 2k initiative and its projects. Ideas and opportunities for new activities, products and collaborations will also be discussed.

Anyone interested in PAGES 2k is welcome to join; no prior registration or prior participation in 2k activities are required.


There are two meeting times to choose from:

1. Wednesday 24 January 2018, 8:00 (CET). Your local time here.


2. Thursday 25 January 2018, 20:00 (CET). Your local time here.

The teleconferences will be held on two different days and times to encourage participation from researchers in both hemispheres. Both teleconferences will last between 60 and 90 minutes, and they will have exactly the same agenda.


For background, please see all PAGES 2k Circulars here.


What: The PAGES 2k project coordinators are convening a network-wide teleconference in January 2018.

Who: Anyone interested in the PAGES 2k project, especially those who are new to the project and would like to get involved. Anyone can join the teleconference; you don’t need to register ahead of time or have been part of any previous 2k activities.

Why: In Phase 3 of the PAGES 2k project, we aim to (i) further understand the mechanisms driving regional climate variability and change on interannual to centennial time scales, (ii) reduce uncertainties in the interpretation of observations imprinted in paleoclimatic archives by environmental sensors, and (iii) identify and analyse the extent of agreement between reconstructions and climate model simulations.

How: The PAGES IPO will host the teleconference using the online platform Adobe Connect (see below for instructions to connect). The 2k coordinators will summarize the discussion from both days and distribute through the PAGES 2k email list.


The goals of the teleconference include:
- Reviewing the current status of the 2k initiative and its projects
- Discussing ideas for new activities, products and collaborations


1. Brief overview of the status of the PAGES 2k project (15 min) 
For background, see 2k Network overview

- 2k overview
- Recent highlights (2k database, 2k Special Issue Climate of the Past…)
- Structure and goals of Phase 3
- Data Stewardship

2. Short presentation of active Phase 3 projects (3 to 5 minutes each) (45 min)
Brief introduction of the topic, status and options to contribute for each project:

- CoralHydro2k
- GMST reconstructions
- Global T CFR
- Iso2k
- New arctic project
- Partner projects

3. Open Discussion (10-30 min)
Community inputs, questions and comments on the following topics (non-exclusive)

- Project ideas
- Partner projects
- Liaison to related groups (PMIP, CLIVAR, LinkedEarth, FutureEarth,...)

Instructions before the online meeting

ADOBE CONNECT INSTRUCTIONS – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! No prior registration is required to join the teleconference.

- Please run this test to check if your computer is ready for an Adobe Connect Conference:

- If prompted, install the Adobe Connect Add-in

- Have a headset or headphones ready when joining the meeting to avoid annoying audio feedback effects.

- You can try entering the virtual meeting room at any time from now on (it is kept open) using the instructions below.

- Make sure you are aware of how to adjust your microphone (audio in) volume. You might have to adjust it if your microphone is too loud or too quiet.

- In the “Meeting” menu, adjust your screen resolution if your internet connection is unstable.

- In the “Meeting” menu, use the “Audio Setup Wizard” to optimize your sound.

Instructions to join the meeting (on 24 and 25 January)

The link to join the meeting is

- If you passed the connection test above, you should be able to join the meeting by opening this link in your browser.

- The link will lead you to the Guest login page. Type in your name and log in as a guest.

Raise your hand!

All attendees will automatically be promoted to "presenters" (i.e. audio/video enabled by default). But to avoid problems you should keep your microphone muted unless you intend to

- Activate/deactivate the microphone (and webcam) in the user window by clicking on the respective icons at the top of the window. The icons turn green when activated.

- Allow the program to access your microphone (and cam) if prompted. (Press “start sharing” in the video preview window.)

- To participate in the discussion, use the “raise hand” status and turn on your microphone when prompted by the moderator.


If you are unable to connect or experiencing audio/video problems, run this test first to identify the problem:

1. Make sure you have the latest version of the Adobe Flash (get it here:
2. If the page remains unresponsive at the final connection status stage, download this update
3. If the sound quality is not good, try running the "Audio Setup Wizard" from the "Meeting" menu tab
4. If nothing works, call Lucien at +41 31 631 56 09.