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2nd Workshop on Cenozoic pCO2 Reconstructions


Lake Arrowhead, CA, USA

Contact person
Kelsey Dyez
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

The 2nd Workshop on Cenozoic pCO2 Reconstructions will be held at the Lake Arrowhead Conference Center, San Bernardino Mountains, California, USA, from 28-31 May 2018.


Participants will arrive the evening of Monday 28 May and the workshop closes Thursday 31 May at midday.

The US National Science Foundation provides travel and accommodation support for ~35 US scientists.

A small amount of travel support may be available for international participants with distinct expertise in the goals of the RCN.

Off-site participation will be made possible through online streaming of presentations and discussions.


This workshop is part of an NSF funded Research Coordination Network (RCN) which aims to improve the network and interaction among researchers working on paleo-pCO2 and associated temperature reconstructions, as well as focus on key questions to improve our knowledge of paleo-pCO2 and its climatological consequences.


A first workshop was held at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in March 2017 and focused on the state of knowledge of current methods to reconstruct paleo-pCO2 from marine and terrestrial archives. The workshop led to the construction of an open source paleo-pCO2 database, which is currently being populated with published data. Parallel efforts to build an improved Phanerozoic temperature history are soon to start at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, and the progress and future plans of that group will be reported to the paleo-pCO2 workshop.


The objectives of this second workshop include the statistical evaluation of various paleo-pCO2 proxy methods, both individually and collectively, their relationship to orbital parameters and climate patterns, potential revisions of published data with current methodologies, and the curation of the paleo-pCO2 database.

Approaches for reconstructing ancillary ocean carbon system parameters will be discussed, including equilibrium constants under variable seawater elemental composition.

The workshop will bring together experts on pCO2 proxies, Cenozoic paleoclimatology, and carbon cycle modeling, to discuss existing records and approaches, define future goals of paleo-pCO2 research, and find suitable time periods and locations for proxy and model validation, as well as cross-calibration in deep time. A series of comprehensive synthesis publications is anticipated, and most importantly: the forging of new collaborations.


Email a CV and short statement explaining your expertise in this topic (1 paragraph max) by 15 March to Kelsey Dyez at

Please indicate on your application if you require travel support.

Postdocs and advanced graduate students with documented relevant expertise are encouraged to apply.

On-site participants will be selected by the steering committee of the RCN, balancing expertise to meet the goals of the workshop and RCN.