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EX-AQUA 2018 "Paleohydrological extreme events: evidences, archives, models, future perspectives"


Tiszalök, Hungary

Contact person
Sándor Gulyás
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

The EX-AQUA 2018 conference on "Paleohydrological extreme events: evidences, archives, models, future perspectives" will be held from 9-14 September 2018 in Tiszalök, Hungary.


Kis-Tisza Ecocenter, Tiszalök:

The venue is found in NE Hungary in a secluded area along the Tisza River in the city of Tiszalök just two hour drive from Budapest on the M0 and M3 freeways (ca. 210 km). Exhibition rooms display the conservation values of the area including wildlife, geology. There is an oxbow lake nearby hosting an ecological park under the supervision of an GNO, the Lajos Szögi Wise Owl Foundation with boardwalks and traditional post houses of the floodplain giving an insight into traditional life on the floodplain, as well as the natural history of the area.


The title EX-AQUA consists of the Latin words "ex" (meaning "from" but also "ancient") and "aqua" (water) and it symbolizes the processes related to the lack or the abundance of water in the past.

The EX-AQUA project is focused on understanding the processes and archives of floods and droughts at various spatio-temporal scales.

Apart from their catastrophic impacts on natural systems and humans, refining as well as devising methods and tools for their future prediction under climate change scenarios is also in the center of attention. Long-term data needed for such predictions are generally rare from direct observations, and therefore, the use of paleohydrological archives can be extremely useful for extending the records and improving our modeling results. Geoarcheology provides information on the human aspect of our records aiding understanding of human resilience and adaptation to paleohydrological events.

The EX-AQUA 2018 is a project supported by the INQUA Commission on Terrestrial Processes, Deposits, and History (TERPRO) and HEX (INQUA Focus Area on Palaeohydrology and fluvial archives – extreme and critical events).

This meeting in Tiszalök follows the excellent workshops at Padova, Italy, in September 2016 and New Delhi, India in November 2017.


The September 2018 meeting is organized by the Department of Geology and Paleontology, University of Szeged, Hungary in collaboration with the Wise Owls Lajos Szögi Foundation. The event is planned to last five days with three days for talks and poster presentations followed by a two-day post-conference tour.


The abstract submission deadline is 10 June 2018.

The conference welcomes abstracts that are related to the themes mentioned, particularly on the following topics:

- Holocene hydrological events and climate change
- Historical flood events and chronology
- Geochronology of palaeohydrological events: methods and results
- Events, phases or periods of flooding and drought: recognition and distinction
- Human impact and societal resilience: Geoarchaeology & Palaeohydrology
- Quaternary fluvial system evolution and flood/drought variations
- Weather, climate and chronicles: temporal series and archives
- Paleoenvironmental analyses and palaeohydrology
- New techniques of relevance for palaeohydrological investigations

Important dates

10 June 2018: Abstract submission
12 June 2018: Latest abstract acceptance notification
30 June 2018: Early Bird registration closes
20 July 2018: Normal registration closes (bank transfer payment)
15 August 2018: Normal registration closes (online payment)

Further information

You can find more information on the conference website: or contact Sándor Gulyás: (exaqua2018[at]gmail[dot]com)