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16th Swiss Geoscience Meeting


Bern, Switzerland

Contact person
SGM 2018 Organizing Committee
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

The 16th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (SGM) will be held on 30 November and 1 December 2018 in Bern, Switzerland.


The Institute of Geography and the Institute of Geological Sciences of the University of Bern, as well as the Platform Geosciences of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) invite you to participate in the 16th Swiss Geoscience Meeting.

The SGM provides the ideal environment to foster informal contacts and discussions among scientists, in particular during the Swiss Geoscience Party on Friday evening but also at the poster sessions on Saturday. Time is reserved for two poster sessions, at which the authors will be present for active discussion and feedback.


On Friday 30 November, the plenary session theme is "A Habitable Planet". (This day is already sold out, therefore only tickets for the symposia sessions on Saturday 1 December are still available.)

One of the most fundamental and fascinating questions in science is why there is life on Earth. What makes our planet habitable and what is, for example, the role of plate tectonics in planetary habitability. Geoscientists not only play a crucial role in studying the evolution of planet Earth and the origins of life, but their studies can also contribute to maintaining our planet habitable and liveable for future generations.

Four keynote speakers will discuss various topics related to "A Habitable Planet":
- Bernard Marty (Université de Lorraine, Nancy) will present his ideas on the origin and early evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere. Recent advances in space missions (e.g. Rosetta) and in the geochemistry of ancient rocks permit to have insights into the origin of atmospheric/oceanic volatiles, such as water, nitrogen, noble gases, and into the composition of the atmosphere during the first half of Earth’s history.
- Lindsay Stringer from the University of Leeds (Sustainability Research Institute, University of Leeds) will talk about land degradation and desertification.
- Kathryn Goodenough (British Geological Survey) will discuss rare earth elements in the context of demand and global resources, and will consider challenges for future generations.
- Ben Marzeion (University of Bremen) will evaluate the influence of glacier melting on sea-level rise and discuss its consequences.

On Saturday 1 December, 23 scientific symposia will cover cover the diverse spectrum of current research in geosciences, encompassing the lithosphere, the atmosphere and the anthroposphere.

The detailed program of the symposia sessions on Saturday 1 December can be viewed on the SGM Homepage under:


Deadline for abstract submission is 31 August 2018:

Depending on the number and subject of abstracts submitted, proposed sessions may be merged or new ones created. Abstracts will be initially assigned to the session indicated by the authors at the time of abstract submission. Abstracts should be submitted electronically following the instructions on the SGM2018 website.

You are invited to submit abstracts for oral presentations or posters addressing the following subjects:
- Structural Geology, Tectonics and Geodynamics
- Mineralogy, Petrology, Geochemistry
- Non-traditional stable isotope geochemistry: development and applications
- Gemmology
- Palaeontology
- Stratigraphy
- Seismic Hazard and Risk in Switzerland: From Science to Mitigation
- Earthquakes from the field to the laboratory
- Shale-Gas, CO2 Storage and Deep Geothermal Energy
- Celebrating 50 Years of International Ocean Drilling (1968-2018)
- Quaternary environments: landscapes, climate, ecosystems and human activity during the past 2.6 million years
- Geomorphology for a habitable planet
- Cryospheric Sciences
- Hydrology, Limnology and Hydrogeology
- The new Climate Change Scenarios CH2018
- Climate Change Education and Outreach
- Aerosols and clouds in a changing world
- Atmospheric Processes and Interactions with the Biosphere
- Environmental Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements
- Remote Sensing of the Spheres
- Geoscience and Geoinformation - From data acquisition to modelling and visualisation
- Human Geographies
- Sustainable social-ecological systems: from local to global challenges


All SGM participants are requested to pay their registration fee in advance until 10 November 2018 via the online registration & payment service. To register, please go to:

Upon successful registration and payment, you will receive an automated confirmation email (it might take up to a few days if you choose to pay by bank transfer).

Onsite registrations will be charged an extra CHF 30.- and are only possible on Saturday (since Friday is sold out).

Further information

Download the SGM2018 flyer here (PDF):

Young researchers can apply for several prizes and awards:

Go to the official website: